发表于 2016-3-17 16:34:49
发表于 2016-3-17 17:25:28
An important property in mechanism analysis is the number of degrees of freedom of the linkage. The degree offreedom is the number of independent inputs required to precisely positionall links of the mechanismwith respect to the ground. It canalso be defined as the number of actuators needed to operatethe mechanism. A mechanism actuator could be manuallymoving one link to another position, connecting a motor to theshaft of one link, or pushing a piston of a hydraulic cylinder. 自由度就是完全确定机构位置的独立参数个数,也是动力源个数。
The number of degrees of freedom of a mechanism isalso called the mobility, and it is given thesymbol M. Whenthe configuration of a mechanism is completely defined bypositioning one link, that system has one degree of freedom.Most commercially produced mechanisms have one degreeof freedom. In constrast, robotic arms can have three, ormore, degrees of freedom.
Degrees of freedom for planar linkages joined with commonjoints can be calculated through Gruebler'sequation :(寒假自学的一堆公式归结为一个常用公式了:3×总机构数-2×低副数-高副数,即为自由度)
As mentioned, most linkages used in machines have onedegree of freedom. Linkages with zero, or negative, degrees of freedom aretermed locked mechanisms.These mechanisms are unableto move and form a structure. A truss is a structure composedof simple links and connected with pin joints andzero degrees of freedom.Linkages with multiple degrees of freedom need morethan one driver to precisely operate them. Commonmulti-degree-of-freedom mechanisms are open-loopkinematic chains used for reaching and positioning, suchas robotic arms and backhoes. In general,multi-degree-of-freedom linkages offer greater ability to precisely positiona link. These mechanisms are shown in Figure 1.13.
发表于 2016-3-17 18:08:22
牧羊少年 发表于 2016-3-16 22:47 static/image/common/back.gif
学妹的英语底子很好,考了两次都520(170+240+110)左右,除了偶尔看看新闻、美剧没啥英文学习,学妹有啥 ...
单词我是中午吃完饭背的(我不午睡),关于背单词的方法见仁见智,我自己是看英英解释,看一眼例句,重点看小伙伴的笔记,里面词根词源、用法例句、记忆法都很多,认真看很有收获。50个单词需1小时左右,没完成就课间用碎片时间背,不过这总没大块时间好,因为没时间看笔记。选单词书方面呢……先去测个单词量,扇贝家测得特别高,比如我在Test your vocabulary上明明才9000多,扇贝说我12000=_=想鼓励自己可以信,不过一般要减个2、3千才是实际的词量,要是5000以下,还是先背四级单词,不然一下生词太多没兴趣了。至于每天背多少那看你觉得难不难了,要是有一半点了不认识,那还是每天最低50个吧。等每天三分之二都能认识了就加量,注意它算的背完日期,别忘了还有六级的书要刷,也不能太懒散了。学习模式,一定改成拼写,拼写,拼写。
首先想混打卡是很容易的,单词全点我认识,新闻点开等3分钟,听力设成0%,炼句全点流利复述,5分钟就能打卡。但是,有用么?英语这玩意就是吃功夫,就是靠时间耗出来的,不像理科,脑子不开窍想多久都得考60多……(我惨痛的上学期!!!) 我小学学新概念,高二背雅思单词,考四级前刷完六级单词,开始用扇贝以后每天平均1小时,现在打卡370多天了。周末或者出去坐地铁通勤时间长还会背700单词,4个多小时……所以我总共花了多少时间?不是显摆,只是想说,学个语言还是蛮辛苦的,得真花时间,花心思,so做好心理准备,每天把这当个事放在心上。
发表于 2016-3-17 19:25:46
发表于 2016-3-17 19:53:15
黑森林的鹿 发表于 2016-3-17 18:08 static/image/common/back.gif
最有效的方法还是……考前做原题。这里的考前是考前一周左 ...
发表于 2016-3-18 08:29:13
发表于 2016-3-18 16:49:14
【20160318】Actuators and Drivers
In order to operate a mechanism, an actuator, or driver device, is required to provide the input motion and energy. To precisely operate a mechanism, one driver is required for each degree of freedom exhibited. Many different actuators are used in industrial and commercial machines and mechanisms. Some of the more common ones are given below:
Electric motors (AC) provide the least expensive way to generate continuous rotary motion. However, they are limited to a few standard speeds that are a function of the electric line frequency. In North America the line frequency is 60 Hz, whichcorresponds to achievable speeds of 3600, 1800, 900, 720, and 600 rpm. Single-phase motors are used inresidential applications and are available from 1/50 to 2 hp. Three-phase motors are more efficient, but mostly limited to industrial applications because they require three-phase power service. They are available from 1/4 to 500 hp.
Electric motors (DC) also produce continuous rotary motion. The speed and direction of the motion can be readily altered, but they require power from agenerator or a battery. DC motors can achieve extremely high speeds––up to 30,000 rpm. These motors are most often used in vehicles, cordless devices, or in applications where multiple speeds and directional control are required, such as a sewing machine.
Enginesalso generate continuous rotary motion. The speed of an engine can be throttled within a range of approximately 1000 to 8000 rpm. They are a popular and highly portable driver for high-power applications. Because they rely on the combustion of fuel, engines are used to drive machines that operate outdoors.
Servomotorsare motors that are coupled with a controller to produce a programmed motion or hold a fixed position. The controller requires sensors onthe link being moved to provide feedback information on its position, velocity, and acceleration. Thesemotors have lower power capacity than nonservomotors and are significantly more expensive, but they can beused for machines demanding precisely guided motion, such as robots.
Air or hydraulic motors also produce continuous rotary motion and are similar to electric motors, but have more limited applications. This is due to the need for compressed air or a hydraulic source. These drive devices are mostly used within machines, such as construction equipment and aircraft, wherehighpressure hydraulic fluid is available.
Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders are common components used to drive a mechanism with a limited linear stroke. Figure 1.20a illustrates a hydraulic cylinder. Figure 1.20b shows the common kinematic representation for the cylinder unit.
The cylinder unit contains a rod and piston assembly that slides relative to a cylinder. For kinematicpurposes, these are two links (piston/rod and cylinder), connected with a sliding joint. In addition, the cylinder and rod end usually have provisions for pin joints.
Screw actuators also produce a limited linear stroke. These actuators consist of a motor, rotating ascrew. A mating nut provides the linear motion. Screwactuators can be accurately controlled and can directly replace cylinders. However, they are considerably more expensive than cylinders if air or hydraulic sources are available. Similar to cylinders, screwactuators also have provisions for pin joints at the two ends. Therefore, the kinematic diagram is identicalto Figure 1.20b.
Manual, or hand-operated, mechanisms comprise a large number of machines, or hand tools. The motions expected from human “actuators” can be quite complex. However, if the expected motions are repetitive, caution should be taken against possible fatigue and stain injuries.
发表于 2016-3-18 17:05:54
发表于 2016-3-19 08:02:41
haneast 发表于 2016-3-18 17:05 static/image/common/back.gif
大学六级刚过500,现在看到学妹一贴下来的英语各种666,表示十分惭愧,现在也天天看扇贝,看到学妹的水平才 ...
发表于 2016-3-19 22:44:03
【20160319】Commonly Used Links and Joints
Eccentric Crank
On many mechanisms, the required length of a crank is so short that it is not feasible to fitsuitably sized bearings at the two pin joints. A commonsolution is to design the link as an eccentric crankshaft, as shown in Figure 1.23a. This is the design used in most engines and compressors.
The pin, on the moving end of the link, is enlarged such that it contains the entire link. The outside circumference of the circular lobe on the crankshaft becomes the moving pin joint, as shown in Figure 1.23b. The location of the fixed bearing, or bearings, is offset from the eccentric lobe. This eccentricity of the crankshaft, e , is the effective length of the crank. Figure 1.23c illustrates a kinematic model of the eccentric crank. The advantage of theeccentric crank is the largesurface area of the moving pin, which reduces wear.
Pin-in-a-Slot Joint
A common connection between links is a pin-in-a-slot joint, as shown in Figure 1.24a. This is a higher-order joint because it permits the two links to rotate and sliderelative to each other. To simplify the kinematic analysis, primary joints can be used to model this higher-order joint. The pin-in-a-slot joint becomes a combination of a pin joint and a sliding joint, asin Figure 1.24b. Note that this involves adding an extra link to the mechanism. In both cases, the relative motion between the links is the same. However, using a kinematic model with primary joints facilitates the analysis.
Screw Joint
A screw joint, as shown in Figure 1.25a, is another common connection between links. Screw mechanisms are discussed in detail in Chapter 12. To start with, a screw joint permits two relative, but dependent, motions between the links being joined. A specific rotation of one link will cause an associated relative translation between the two links. For example, turning the screw one revolution may move the nut along the screw threads a distance of 0.1 in. Thus, only one independent motion is introduced.
A screw joint is typically modeled with a sliding joint, as shown in Figure 1.25b. It must be understood that out-of plane rotation occurs.However, only the relative translation between the screw and nut is considered in planar kinematic analysis.