发表于 2016-3-15 07:53:31
809775354 发表于 2016-3-14 13:13 static/image/common/back.gif
发表于 2016-3-15 10:56:00
发表于 2016-3-15 11:50:45
黑森林的鹿 发表于 2016-2-5 19:55 static/image/common/back.gif
发表于 2016-3-15 13:03:32
发表于 2016-3-15 13:22:17
发表于 2016-3-15 18:15:23
【20160315】Mechanism Terminology
As stated, mechanisms consist of connected parts with theobjective of transferring motion and force from a powersource to an output. A linkage is a mechanism where rigidparts are connected together to form a chain. One part isdesignated the framebecause it serves as the frame of referencefor the motion of all other parts. The frame is typicallya part that exhibits no motion. A popular elliptical trainerexercise machine is shown in Figure 1.3. In this machine, twoplanar linkages are configured to operate out-of-phase tosimulate walking motion, including the movement of arms.Since the base sits on the ground and remains stationaryduring operation, the base is considered the frame.
Links are the individual parts of the mechanism. Theyare considered rigid bodies and are connected with otherlinks to transmit motion and forces. Theoretically, a truerigid body does not change shape during motion. Althougha true rigid body does not exist, mechanism links aredesigned to minimally deform and are considered rigid. Thefootrests and arm handles on the exercise machine comprisedifferent links and, along with connecting links, are interconnectedto produce constrained motion.
Elastic parts, such as springs, are not rigid and, therefore,are not considered links. They have no effect on thekinematics of a mechanism and are usually ignored duringkinematic analysis. They do supply forces and must beincluded during the dynamic force portion of analysis.
A joint is a movableconnection between links and allowsrelative motion between the links. The two primaryjoints, alsocalled full joints, arethe revolute and sliding joints. Therevolutejoint is also called a pin or hinge joint. Itallows purerotation between the two links that it connects. The slidingjoint is also called a pistonor prismaticjoint. It allows linearsliding between the links that it connects. Figure 1.4 illustratesthese two primary joints.A cam joint is shownin Figure 1.5a. It allows for bothrotation and sliding between the two links that it connects.Because of the complex motion permitted, the cam connectionis called a higher-order joint, also called half joint. A gearconnection also allows rotation and sliding between twogears as their teeth mesh. This arrangement is shown inFigure 1.5b. The gear connection is also a higher-order joint.A simple link is arigid body that contains only twojoints, which connect it to other links. Figure 1.6a illustratesa simple link. A crank is a simple link that is able to completea full rotation about a fixed center. A rocker is a simple linkthat oscillates through an angle, reversing its direction at certainintervals.A complex link is arigid body that contains more thantwo joints. Figure 1.6b illustrates a complex link. A rockerarm is a complex link, containing three joints, that ispivotednear its center. A bellcrank is similar to a rocker arm, but isbent in the center. The complex link shown in Figure 1.6b isa bellcrank.
A point of interestis a point on a link where the motionis of special interest. The end of the windshield wiper, previouslydiscussed, would be considered a point of interest.Once kinematic analysis is performed, the displacement,velocity, and accelerations of that point are determined.
The last general component of a mechanism is theactuator. An actuator is the component that drives themechanism. Common actuators include motors (electricand hydraulic), engines, cylinders (hydraulic and pneumatic),ball-screw motors, and solenoids. Manually operatedmachines utilize human motion, such as turning acrank, as the actuator. Actuators will be discussed further inSection 1.7.
Linkages can be either open or closed chains. Eachlink ina closed-loop kinematic chain is connected to two or moreother links. The lift in Figure 1.2 and the elliptical trainer ofFigure 1.3 are closed-loop chains. An open-loop chain willhave at least one link that is connected to only one otherlink. Common open-loop linkages are robotic arms asshown in Figure 1.7 and other “reaching” machines such asbackhoes and cranes.
发表于 2016-3-15 18:17:39
jhchenguohan 发表于 2016-3-15 10:56 static/image/common/back.gif
怎么说呢,女性干机械基本面上是劣势,但是也能找到优势的点,那就是外语优势。机械行业往往技术好的外语厉 ...
发表于 2016-3-15 18:19:22
haneast 发表于 2016-3-15 11:50 static/image/common/back.gif
发表于 2016-3-15 18:20:23
微光axi 发表于 2016-3-15 13:03 static/image/common/back.gif
发表于 2016-3-15 22:06:50