【20160317】Mobility 9 `- ~; b) {) \; y& X; M, j. Y7 a) k; o8 R0 n5 x7 i
An important property in mechanism analysis is the number of degrees of freedom of the linkage. The degree offreedom is the number of independent inputs required to precisely position
all links of the mechanismwith respect to the ground. It can
also be defined as the number of actuators needed to operate
the mechanism. A mechanism actuator could be manually
moving one link to another position, connecting a motor to the
shaft of one link, or pushing a piston of a hydraulic cylinder.
自由度就是完全确定机构位置的独立参数个数,也是动力源个数。1 D2 v" R1 ^8 q l7 z " q. n9 I* l5 [0 q1 }
The number of degrees of freedom of a mechanism is
also called the mobility, and it is given thesymbolM. When
the configuration of a mechanism is completely defined by
positioning one link, that system has one degree of freedom.
Most commercially produced mechanisms have one degree
of freedom. In constrast, robotic arms can have three, or
more, degrees of freedom. 5 z/ G5 ~# ], I; a: Q; f- |0 s5 ^自由度记作M。工程上大多是单自由度机构。机械臂多为多自由度机构。/ }2 i# H1 t. y- D
5 U. q# c U( @% j4 H2 M% QGruebler'sEquation [! ^0 `; s( ?8 Y& S7 h 7 J. t; C, D1 A3 a6 x" N9 p6 @8 H2 N3 \: F; g
Degrees of freedom for planar linkages joined with common
joints can be calculated through Gruebler'sequation :
(寒假自学的一堆公式归结为一个常用公式了:3×总机构数-2×低副数-高副数,即为自由度) 9 \5 |; Q2 {- l0 M0 D ! U. H4 n8 `3 `As mentioned, most linkages used in machines have one
degree of freedom.
Linkages with zero, or negative, degrees of freedom are
termed locked mechanisms.These mechanisms are unable
to move and form a structure. A truss is a structure composed
of simple links and connected with pin joints and
zero degrees of freedom.
Linkages with multiple degrees of freedom need more
than one driver to precisely operate them. Common
multi-degree-of-freedom mechanisms are open-loop
kinematic chains used for reaching and positioning, such
as robotic arms and backhoes. In general,multi-degree-of-freedom linkages offer greater ability to precisely position
a link. These mechanisms are shown in Figure 1.13., L% n0 I' ? Q( x4 M
1 C+ ^+ z4 ^, @ 这帖居然被专辑收录了受宠若惊……必威APP精装版下载各位真是太提携后辈了……感觉更不能简简单单更课本了呢,听从各位前辈教导,自己多多在课外、在实际中学习才是! & W$ u1 w% H* S, n
% \. N* l1 |8 B1 d9 u: i- t1 [ : R+ I$ }& b% t0 b9 v5 d 6 C, _$ H, J( }: k- a4 Q+ a) J( R4 K3 n) X% {4 \$ G: P0 i