Exhibitor retention——Persuading current exhibitors to participate in subsequent events. Exhibitor retention rate is the percentage of exhibitors that renew——挽留参展商继续再参加下一届展览会
Exposition——A display of products and/or services——博览会
Exposition manager——Person responsible for all aspects of planning, promoting and producing an exposition, Also knows as show manager and show orgnizer——展览经理,负责一个展览会从立项、促销道现场举办和各个方面的工作
Facility——A facility where exposition are hold. Commonly referred to as FACILITY or HALL. May be purpose-built or converted; municipally or privately owned——展览馆或展览设施
Facility manager——The manager of a convention center or hall——展馆或展厅经理
Marine insurance——Broadly, insurance covering loss or damage of goods at sea. Marine insurance will typically compensate the owner of merchandise for losses sustained from fire, shipwreck, piracy, and various other causes, but excludes losses which can be legally recovered from the carrier.——海损险
Measurement ton——The measurement ton (also known as the cargo ton or freight ton) is a space measurement, usually 40 cubic feet or one cubic meter. The cargo is assessed a certain rate for every 40 cubic feet of space it occupies.
Ocean bill of lading——A bill of lading indicating carrier for transportation to a specified international market.——海运提单
Packing list——A list showing the number and kinds of items being shipped, as well as other information needed for transportation purposes.——货物运输清单
Padded van——Describes vehicle used for uncrated shipments.——散装货运车
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