CATIA 3DEXPERIENCEis essentially the next iteration of CATIA V6. It incorporates the same benefits of V6 with the additional integration of DS other brands such as SIMULIA, DELMIA, ENOVIA, etc. The aim of the3DEXPERIENCE platformis to incorporate itself into other areas of a company other than the engineering office. It provides fancy web based PLM as well as the ability to view models without having to install additional applications. Not only does 3DEXPERIENCE give a change in GUI, it adds ease of use and an enriched experience overall.
3DEXPERIENCE®平台是一个业务体验平台。它为企业从市场到销售和工程的每一环节提供软件解决方案,在您的价值创造过程中,帮助您创造差异化的消费体验。其界面是一个单一的、易于使用的界面,它强化了基于三维设计、分析、仿真及合作互动的环境智能软件的行业解决方案体验,并具有 本地on premise 和 云平台on cloud两种形式。
最新版为R2016X,和谐版为R2014X,从 catia V6 R2013X之后,确实没有catia v6这一说了,,达索系统把所有的产品融合到这个平台里,就连SSQ到现在也没有放出3Dexperience 2015破解版,估计已经放弃了,
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