



楼主: 黑森林的鹿
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-19 22:44:03 | 只看该作者
【20160319】Commonly Used Links and Joints
( A' E* v8 J2 H
" v" U( j+ d7 W. q5 H- _6 Y+ kEccentric Crank
8 I3 |3 ~1 v( c% {/ r' EOn many mechanisms, the required length of a crank is so short that it is not feasible to fitsuitably sized bearings at the two pin joints. A commonsolution is to design the link as an eccentric crankshaft, as shown in Figure 1.23a. This is the design used in most engines and compressors.
5 Z1 p4 N3 Q; L偏心曲柄,由于尺寸过小而不能保证铰合处销钉尺寸合适。7 E+ p. u7 Z( s. ]

- C- r* W0 E+ bThe pin, on the moving end of the link, is enlarged such that it contains the entire link. The outside circumference of the circular lobe on the crankshaft becomes the moving pin joint, as shown in Figure 1.23b. The location of the fixed bearing, or bearings, is offset from the eccentric lobe. This eccentricity of the crankshaft, e , is the effective length of the crank. Figure 1.23c illustrates a kinematic model of the eccentric crank. The advantage of theeccentric crank is the largesurface area of the moving pin, which reduces wear.
6 e9 n' F2 a0 y) P' g$ }- N& A, U1 f因此将该销钉放大,以至于包裹整个曲柄。这个大销钉中心与曲柄转轴中心间的距离即为有效的曲柄长度。这样配置的好处在于移动销钉的巨大的接触面积,这减少了磨损。
" P) H8 l& |/ i1 c. j4 o* u, D  \# @& N( ~! E$ @7 j  @: I
Pin-in-a-Slot Joint: x: Q+ g% G- L
A common connection between links is a pin-in-a-slot joint, as shown in Figure 1.24a. This is a higher-order joint because it permits the two links to rotate and sliderelative to each other. To simplify the kinematic analysis, primary joints can be used to model this higher-order joint. The pin-in-a-slot joint becomes a combination of a pin joint and a sliding joint, asin Figure 1.24b. Note that this involves adding an extra link to the mechanism. In both cases, the relative motion between the links is the same. However, using a kinematic model with primary joints facilitates the analysis., @9 W4 ^$ h4 I+ @( c$ x
. A0 J$ g' k3 P4 [ . y1 j8 @! u- H% z7 Q4 Z4 ]8 R9 ~
Screw Joint
* e& v* E7 [6 h1 g# J: RA screw joint, as shown in Figure 1.25a, is another common connection between links. Screw mechanisms are discussed in detail in Chapter 12. To start with, a screw joint permits two relative, but dependent, motions between the links being joined. A specific rotation of one link will cause an associated relative translation between the two links. For example, turning the screw one revolution may move the nut along the screw threads a distance of 0.1 in. Thus, only one independent motion is introduced.3 n3 f$ W- [: Z, A
& K( p( _/ t! w  `8 S6 D 7 W7 K$ C4 O0 b2 o' i8 d
A screw joint is typically modeled with a sliding joint, as shown in Figure 1.25b. It must be understood that out-of plane rotation occurs.However, only the relative translation between the screw and nut is considered in planar kinematic analysis.8 t  ~6 k. T. l5 O, q! m
& U8 b+ E) r& B- w/ S+ t2 j8 `$ i0 |9 |3 N1 H. _, G6 W
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-19 22:46:14 | 只看该作者
haneast 发表于 2016-3-18 17:05
1 W( b* a6 J# s大学六级刚过500,现在看到学妹一贴下来的英语各种666,表示十分惭愧,现在也天天看扇贝,看到学妹的水平才 ...
0 u; M; ~' V( c2 U% H. T* J
并没有多少水平,离自由交流还有很大距离……就像必威APP精装版下载各位前辈说的,机械这一行外语非常重要,还需要多多努力!学长也加油!早日实现自己的梦想呢!( u1 \% n% v1 g& i; K
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-20 16:11:35 | 只看该作者
, S$ l$ O$ h) Q$ O5 B/ q$ E
+ J9 s$ W- f; U) ^这学期期待已久的机械原理实验课!要求根据实验室提供的小机构画出机构简图,然而其中的一个。。。
' U* x  Z! S4 g& ]& H- H
: _1 b$ ^( ^. E  W虽然标注着“双冲头机构”,但是……这根本不是双冲头机构好吗!!!怎么算自由度都是0啊!
) q+ `- Y, z9 C. L" S- l8 |8 {
( \+ X6 [" L% w( `7 i) t  W1 ~; U图示有9个构件,12个低副约束,没有高副约束,因此根据公式:8 J/ x0 ~& z# V0 w  ?8 Y
) y- g  Y( P- b" _* A* c3 h! }; _; c
' j& E; y7 v, k
2 r0 h7 _9 O3 \* o" E- D  y
: e0 j' w& l! Y
; T& t1 P+ e! c当然我们自己本事没到家不能一眼看出来是一方面,但是另一方面,这可是给学生上课的教具啊!都是错的!这体现了什么,想想都不寒而栗……我一直说我喜欢德国,别的不说,就从这一个小小的教学用机构上,人家能做出个矛盾机构?还一直安然无恙地摆在实验室里?真的不能怪我崇洋媚外啊,差距在那呢。
& Z- n0 f8 ~7 P6 }" T8 ~$ p7 }( z: ?- Y$ e' y' a- c; x& w% O
; F7 Z# a  y  q# B, B) }7 H
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发表于 2016-3-21 08:22:26 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2016-3-21 16:31:01 | 只看该作者
你是直接copy课件的吗?+ H1 m' l5 N- S2 }0 x
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-21 19:17:12 | 只看该作者
【20160321】Special Cases of the Mobility Equation
8 Q; R) W; a  C6 L+ k( C; {% v$ H  J5 ^2 G2 V1 z6 C
Mobility is an extremely important property of amechanism. Among other facets, itgives insight into the number of actuators required to operate a mechanism. However, to obtain correct results, special care must be taken in using the Gruebler's equation. Some specialconditions are presented next.
5 t' {4 m2 P6 b. o自由度计算中有些特殊情况需要格外注意。
6 ^- N3 m* B* g2 T  S0 ~& n$ Z" \2 X8 E. X5 {5 |
Coincident Joints6 m& U5 t7 z) L& `/ x8 U
/ G/ A! `; [/ ^& X6 Q& h
Some mechanisms have three links that are all connected at a common pin joint, as shown in Figure 1.28. This situation brings some confusion to kinematic modeling. Physically, one pin may be used to connect all three links. However, by definition, a pin joint connects two links.' n# R# I+ P1 ?& [
0 q2 `8 S% o% r1 { ' h* A! Y1 R: b% G, W

( K* C! L5 q9 P! @* Z6 }
Exceptions to the Gruebler's Equation
6 L" ]; V' ~  h& h
( k$ j2 {+ Q. \
Another special mobility situation must be mentioned. Because the Gruebler's equation doesnot account for link geometry, in rare instances it can lead to misleading results. One such instance is shown in Figure 1.31.+ c( w5 ]! y1 W# q
6 C- f' s- _+ Q- B, W3 ]$ N) {! {8 t9 C/ r3 b% d7 c( @

! f; {# n; r$ H& {
! [* t! W& U" ^2 o7 P% j1 bNotice that this linkage contains five links and six pin joints. Using Gruebler's equation, thislinkage has zero degrees of freedom. Of course, this suggests that the mechanism is locked. However, if all pivoted links were the same size, and the distance between thejoints on the frame and coupler were identical, this mechanism would be capable of motion, with one degree of freedom. The center link is redundant, and because it is identical in length to the other two links attached to the frame, it does not alter the action of the linkage.- S6 x3 Q7 l  l  s- d
/ Y  `  |) c$ ~- E
, e( m$ q+ A* ^8 _Idle Degrees of Freedom8 K4 ^& v% a/ Q7 w$ z* e

) |$ u/ U0 r  dIn some mechanisms, links exhibit motion which does not influence the input and output relationship of the mechanism. These idle degrees of freedom present another situation where Gruebler's equation givesmisleading results. An example is a cam with a roller follower as shown in Figure 1.32. Gruebler's equationspecifies two degrees of freedom (4 links, 3 pins, 1 higher-order joint). With an actuated cam rotation, the pivoted link oscillates while the roller follower rotates about its center. Yet, only the motion of the pivoted link serves as the output of the mechanism. The roller rotation is an idle degree of freedom and not intended to affect the output motion of the mechanism. It is a design feature which reduces friction and wear on the surface of the cam. While Gruebler's equation specifies that a cam mechanism with a roller follower has a mobility of two, the designer is typically only interested in a single degree of freedom. Several other mechanisms contain similar idle degrees of freedom.
1 {- X1 B, d% J& ^% ?多余自由度,有的机构中含有这样的杆件,其运动对输出运动不产生影响, 则其为多余自由度。如图机构含4个杆件,3个销钉,1个高副约束,输入端凸轮转动,输出端杆件摆动,中间滚轮从动件绕其中心转动。然而只有杆件的摆动是机构的输出,滚轮的滚动是多余自由度,不影响机构输出。这样设计是为了减小凸轮表面的摩擦。自由度计算公式给出,该机构有2个自由度,然而事实上我们只对一个感兴趣。还有其他例子,不作赘述。
- p3 y. p" ?' d: S, U9 { , m7 ]6 F/ L: u  F3 K6 A

7 W6 r) [/ R% C
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-21 19:18:52 | 只看该作者
however1241 发表于 2016-3-21 08:22 3 ~$ C2 U3 |8 d9 K; O

/ M  U) u9 A5 O7 h% J- R* r0 |9 @感谢关注!还在坚持!不过机械课之外的其他课负担越来越重了……哎,还需要努力,门门都不能丢!
( W9 r2 C' @( o3 h
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-21 19:21:12 | 只看该作者
の小南灬 发表于 2016-3-21 16:31 : r( u5 @; s; e0 }
你是直接copy课件的吗?. @* \+ j2 G$ q3 o, x! r9 V

$ u9 Q4 U. R* j4 o& j" i0 M小南~好久不见排版啊……本人小小的强迫症,喜欢排版什么的,不过不是课件哦,自己手打呢,我们课件是介样的……& a) A- I& B8 |( K9 l& {: A
9 {# S% z* }. ^9 W; [7 K


真棒,加油.坚持下去,我会一直关注的哦  发表于 2016-3-22 08:20
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发表于 2016-3-22 09:03:58 | 只看该作者
黑森林的鹿 发表于 2016-3-21 19:18 + e) c: E: ^4 r1 B1 |
$ I7 |& T# f% o7 Y; y
- G+ ?2 L" ?" v8 D" @0 Y' _. w


额,应该是我谢谢您回复呢……  发表于 2016-3-22 21:23
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发表于 2016-3-22 15:44:11 | 只看该作者


谢啦!O(∩_∩)O  发表于 2016-3-22 21:23
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