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发表于 2016-1-28 19:53:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 山芋头 于 2016-1-28 20:00 编辑
( q, Y$ c$ y1 U$ R" [; a4 z! W0 F/ b" m* @  ^$ o9 K, ^& i8 V
5 V8 P# i. z1 O
+ E  `+ |' v! Q/ I  Z一朋友医学博士,10年响应政府号召海归回国办药厂,过期专利的那种药物和中间体,改造的旧厂房为药物车间也相当气派,办公大楼同样气派,但不知为什么仍然一事无成,重新回美国。15年和我们谈一个中间体(副产品)项目,开口25万美金/年薪,要按月支付,2年合同。哈,年薪成了月薪。月薪按8000米他又不甘心,最终就这么不了了之。新年电话聊天,方知道他现在做起房地产生意,买卖美国土地房地产等,不知道收入如何。
+ C7 ~. v9 ]$ w! r8 |& [; E0 X( [4 s& D6 m5 g4 f
5 ~- H# K! C# l- g9 l

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-28 20:09:02 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 山芋头 于 2016-1-28 20:17 编辑 6 z  s$ e' P3 X; n

5 ]' a$ p: I8 g# V& a" J" ^998经常说的4000米,就是美国一般工程师的工资水平,工作年限5年左右,主要看自己的能力,尤其是动手能力。美国工业体系和中国工业体系(模仿苏联)差别很大,工程师自己不能动手做自己设计的东西是不可想象的,除非不是你专业领域的东西,才有借口说不会。. @2 O: z+ ^4 t% L! g

3 O7 Z2 @% l5 m* W补充内容 (2016-1-29 15:43):
; Y& y4 U3 E2 M6 E: Y) e* C+ D人说井底之蛙,不会承认的,但一开口就知道你是不是,哈哈,


楼下说得对,这样的SB老板还不少呢  发表于 2016-1-29 13:07
“其实不是工程师不会,是老板不让干。钳工多少一个月,工程师多少钱一个月,领了工程师的钱去车间装配调机,老板心疼。”--这句话挺在理的  发表于 2016-1-28 21:53
其实不是工程师不会,是老板不让干。钳工多少一个月,工程师多少钱一个月,领了工程师的钱去车间装配调机,老板心疼。要是老板愿意,其实我挺乐意。  发表于 2016-1-28 21:29
比如一台设备,不知道工程师是要会自己加工零件呢?还是要会自己动手组装和调试?  发表于 2016-1-28 21:27
那,比如那个吸盘,这个哥们至少得会车床了吧。我不是科班,不太懂国内跟国外工程师培养有什么不一样的。同样三十年,我们工作时间都花在哪了?  详情 回复 发表于 2016-1-28 20:38
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发表于 2016-1-28 20:38:19 | 只看该作者
山芋头 发表于 2016-1-28 20:09 * y* @# u+ _2 A9 E+ G' u
998经常说的4000米,就是美国一般工程师的工资水平,工作年限5年左右,主要看自己的能力,尤其是动手能力。 ...

+ P: a3 Q+ @4 z* n& B那,比如那个吸盘,这个哥们至少得会车床了吧。我不是科班,不太懂国内跟国外工程师培养有什么不一样的。同样三十年,我们工作时间都花在哪了?
3 O* y3 f: C8 \, e
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发表于 2016-1-28 20:39:33 | 只看该作者
I recently just finished my degree and went through the job search process. I found that there was a fairly large number of openings with companies looking for people with a background in hydraulics and hydrology, but the majority were looking for someone with a background in municipal design or watershed modeling and several years of experience. The USACE occasionally also has openings for engineers with a background in hydraulics (they have two right now for hydraulic engineers as a matter of fact). Look into some of the companies that have previously been involved with projects that seem to be similar to what you'd be into and see if they're hiring (or just send them a resume and cover letter regardless; they don't always post on the job boards!). 7 a1 j4 O% t4 d; Q) q

! @" K3 J% F& c% v2 dWith only a bachelor's the starting salaries I was finding was only between $46k to $49k, but with a Master's I was finding between $54k to $57k. The positions capped out at between $90k to $103k. I'm honestly not sure how these compare to other specializations...I wouldn't be surprised at all if structurals earned more! 8 p9 o4 D" w2 Q3 q' @- s

1 z) ?9 W" t  T3 P& y8 ^, ZIf you do decide on heading into h&h, however, I would strongly suggest continuing on and getting your master's. It may not pay off immediately upon graduation without the work experience to go with it, but the positions that appeared to be the most interesting and challenging required an advanced degree.
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发表于 2016-1-28 20:40:00 | 只看该作者
I would go do a quick yahoo job search and see what people are paying. : ^: x% m0 i1 z, }, E; [0 Y

2 P4 G0 \+ l7 M) H9 xI know some guys who are simple coal miners and make 500k a year if they agree to go over sea's and work. Other wise it's back to the regular 60k a year pay. It just depends on where it is needed and how valuable your skill is. 8 e/ E2 c# F; Y$ q* R+ b# X

, L8 `5 V' B4 K9 A, [However as for hydraulics I knew a guy who got out of the navy got offered like 90k a year to go work on satellite dishes...


。。。  发表于 2016-1-29 09:37
sorry,底三层,自己瞎踩又不肯上进,空着97层给红毛住。  发表于 2016-1-29 08:41
国人最喜欢踩人,这就是第三层的现状。此层主的英文句式与普通英文必威APP精装版下载中的帖子很相似,看着也舒服。  发表于 2016-1-29 08:40
词汇可以,句型一塌糊涂,非有点英文底子的中国人不能解也!  发表于 2016-1-29 08:15
有些地方看不太明白,看来我英语还可以,哈哈!!!  发表于 2016-1-28 23:31
我能不能吐槽一下,中式英语  发表于 2016-1-28 21:21
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发表于 2016-1-28 22:08:39 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2016-1-29 08:55:28 | 只看该作者
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