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发表于 2015-12-14 19:48:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 | 倒序浏览 | 阅读模式
  无人驾驶汽车中价格最高的零部件是被称作激光雷达(LIDAR)的激光传感器,就是安装在google、优步等公司无人驾驶原型车车顶上那个外观有趣的锥形设备。激光雷达旋转着向外发射激光,实时制作汽车周围环境的高分辨率数字地图。# V5 l! I' Z" N6 e$ N8 T
O$ p1 ?8 ?. m, v1 d
0 w+ Z( f( B7 L2 O
# K7 {, R# i! R" U' o% k5 f鉴于激光雷达在无人驾驶汽车中的重要性,google及其母公司Alphabet不会让其他公司控制如此重要的零部件的供应。$ n) e0 [8 M+ {7 {. `( O# }

M* b4 P; F/ t3 S: I: H" vgoogle最近发布的一则招聘信息称,公司在为无人驾驶汽车业务部门招聘一名激光方面的机械工程师。谷歌称机械工程师将“负责创新性激光雷达的机械设计,以及复杂的光-机-电系统的生产工作”。, p1 ?) d; C! A, U* Y: H( ^8 x3 b' Y
$ s. z3 p, D3 l6 M3 C
招聘信息称,“你将与外部供应商和内部制造团队合作,负责从设计到制造的全过程”。% |6 D: ~ T, b9 `6 t
( q" h7 _ {. W# l* i: [; e
这意味着google计划与Velodyne等外部厂商合作,但将在激光雷达设计方面发挥更大作用。但这也可能意味着google要完全设计自主激光雷达系统,向外部厂商采购必要的零部件,自己制造成品。2 Q* }) |+ l: E! j7 N

$ U7 r- ~; h. L. f无论怎样,google都意识到了降低激光雷达成本的重要性。google无人驾驶汽车团队重要成员克里斯·厄姆森(ChrisUrmson)之前曾表示过类似观点。
% n8 T9 |$ B. q
发表于 2015-12-14 20:10:42 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-12-14 20:30:55 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-12-14 20:41:47 | 只看该作者


万一碰上暴雨天,起码还要加个潜望镜~ 发表于 2015-12-14 20:49
发表于 2015-12-14 21:11:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-12-14 22:11:53 | 只看该作者
2015 Engineering Salary Survey: Compensation Is Just the Beginning5 k w0 Q2 J5 f/ `2 u
Oct 13, 2015 Leah Scully and Jay McSherry
- r" L9 C- T8 o7 @1 @9 AEMAIL! U% c( p$ e$ P1 q" Z2 }
8 Q. V1 Z: z9 Y5 z: I1 bTWEET# N( q5 v2 y* {) A; t3 _

6 f/ |, h: N- O9 rCOMMENTS 0
n0 [1 }: [2 z6 ]" J A# j. N( sView the results of the 2015 Hydraulics & Pneumatics Engineering Salary Survey as we take a closer look at the numbers and offer insights into keeping up with technology, what keeps engineers up at night, top factors in job satisfaction, and other trends that affect you.
6 V7 I9 i9 I6 f% F( ANearly 1,700 members of the fluid power industry participated in the first Hydraulics & Pneumatics Salary Survey to provide input and answer questions that reflect the status of the industry as a whole. While the majority of the sample is made up of engineers (most of them R&D, project and design engineers), it also includes other professionals such as engineering managers, executives, and vice presidents of engineering.
* K4 |" ]9 T* O0 H
! ^; _# C/ }0 sDownload the full, 12-page Salary Survey PDF complete with high-resolution infographics.
8 a3 T8 q2 L8 P6 M6 w# D6 t
$ I/ f/ z/ }" q! D3 AOverall, fluid power professionals are satisfied in their current positions, welcoming the industry’s intellectual challenges with open arms and taking pride in their design solutions. More than three-quarters of workers think that the potential for salary advancement is as promising now as it was five years ago and the majority would recommend a career in fluid power to the aspiring engineer. The base salary of the average worker is approximately$92,000, which measures slightly higher than last year’s reported salary, and the majority of employees feel adequately compensated for the work they do.
0 _ @, O. [5 z6 a* r
! Z4 X* x1 Y3 @- i7 WHow competitive is the average engineer's compensation?8 O: ^$ ~4 ]3 g2 Z' W! U
How competitive is the average engineer's compensation?: E! {9 V# M* [+ A) j
When asked about the future of the industry, participants note that a shortage of fluid power experts calls for bright new minds, especially as older generations retire. Most agree that fluid power systems will likely remain ubiquitous in most heavy-duty machines, infrastructures, and systems, so there will always be a need for personnel.1 R0 j0 v6 }- X( P3 B, U" q5 e& X
5 i4 f& L* r7 m( M5 I, o
Respondents also stressed the necessity for a high-level understanding of fluid power systems and technologies in the emerging workforce. New hires are expected to know how to troubleshoot, understand controls and manufacturing, and come prepared with hands-on experience. Some commenters claim that there is a lack of focus on fluid power in most college engineering programs, but that good programs are still available to prepare them for successful careers in fluid power. These professionals further recommend that aspiring fluid power engineers gain a firm handle on electronic controls, PLCs, and software, since these technologies seem to be advancing in the industry.
发表于 2015-12-14 23:38:21 | 只看该作者
davyhero4 发表于 2015-12-14 22:11
2 `) i ^3 R) k) [ T1 P I2015 Engineering Salary Survey: Compensation Is Just the Beginning
" j j/ B4 z' }: H. u0 v" n+ kOct 13, 2015 Leah Scully and Jay ...

: ^& g1 A3 G" E/ \+ z" b& M8 s7 G( w看起来吃力啊+ J% q2 D! ]) m/ Q% U
发表于 2015-12-15 00:03:37 | 只看该作者
davyhero4 发表于 2015-12-14 22:11
2 d$ |, p; |0 e N) O0 F; o$ T' W2015 Engineering Salary Survey: Compensation Is Just the Beginning
* \4 u9 q/ v3 E# LOct 13, 2015 Leah Scully and Jay ...

, a; e& t& m; i/ X/ x大牛
发表于 2015-12-15 08:38:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-12-15 09:00:06 | 只看该作者
davyhero4 发表于 2015-12-14 22:11
3 ^& r) G; g* ]; c- g2015 Engineering Salary Survey: Compensation Is Just the Beginning ( E7 ~8 Y. x [3 K+ `
Oct 13, 2015 Leah Scully and Jay ...
$ u, W2 w( R5 Q9 @% ] I
7 Y( s/ Z4 ^& @5 K, [/ }; I
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