TOOTH_NUMBER NUMBER=20 "Enter the number of teeth:" module number=3 "enter the module:" pressure_angle number=20 "enter the pressure angle:" face_width number=15 "enter the face width:" rad_fillet number=0.4 "enter the fillet:" 6 `) H& l+ Q. S( T( t( P. _0 j/ u: Orad_pitch=0.5*tooth_number*module rad_base=rad_pitch*cos(pressure_angle) circular_pitch=pi*module tooth_thick_on_pitch=circular_pitch/2 rad_addendum=rad_pitch+1*module rad_dedendum=rad_pitch-1.157*module inv_phi=tan(pressure_angle)-pressure_angle*2*pi/360 tooth_thick_on_base=2*rad_base*(tooth_thick_on_pitch/(2*rad_pitch)+inv_phi) ang_tooth_thick=tooth_thick_on_base/rad_base*360/(2*pi) ang_tooth_space=360/tooth_number-ang_tooth_thick : q: n0 ^+ l: \4 q shaft_dia number "enter the shaft diameter:" key_width number "enter the key width:" key_height number "enter the key height:" , ]& Z3 z8 L6 k# i3 o2 z1 y. b2 l2 S todeg=180/pi roll_angle=0 solve roll_angle*todeg-atan(roll_angle)=trajpar*ang_tooth_thick for roll_angle sd7=rad_base*(1+roll_angle^2)^0.2 2 B/ f4 p/ G |6 L* I图片在附件..我做的PRT也放上来.检查多次也不知道为什么.齿形就是不对.我用的是2001的.请高手帮忙啊.. 6 V7 N# S: n1 q6 P1 c. Vprt传不了/???那只好改后缀了.加上.GIF |