本帖最后由 工具人 于 2013-3-11 22:56 编辑3 v5 X+ G9 q( u0 `6 x
]# N) O$ O+ K8 s( t, E; x& F2 eHello Chase, I think your English is pretty good, you can tell your story fluently without grammatical errors that would affect the communication. The fact that there are a couple of typos which mean you didn't check your writings too much confirmed my thought. In order to further improve your English, especially oral English, I would recommend you to practice with native-speakers. A lot of colleges/universities have "English corner" on campus. It used to surprise me that some new students who had never gone abroad spoke better English than me, and later I found out their trick is to talk with native-speakers even when they were in China. Unfortunately, you are a "dude", some (please pay attention, I mean some) foreigners might not be interested in you ;) 2 e- L' H3 W( L3 \: {Jia You!! |