
标题: adams常用快捷键 [打印本页]

作者: 步惊云bjy    时间: 2011-12-19 08:27
标题: adams常用快捷键
Display Operations
5 C: j) ?+ |3 k- U0 ~: J0 RViewing Operations+ I2 |! M3 q6 t4 z5 M3 u- `0 s, u
Table 3. Display Operation Shortcuts1 e5 L7 K3 F7 ]% a2 t# M( F& f
To display: Select:4 l, N5 F4 H; ?: i
Command window F3/ f8 M" Y2 Q' |" X! o2 A" N# J) D
Coordinate window F4
) h, K; u% I$ J, q  s4 ?. sMenu Builder F5
- b% _" x! b9 p6 m! f. }/ n* W3 [Dialog Box Builder F61 ?' v6 ?4 \5 ?* [
Working grid g
0 n; m+ ?, Z* D" c) APlotting window F8
8 \( i1 Y7 n6 M. Q2 MHelp window F1
: l: D& i- E/ y( B$ i( m1 G. b. E" ITable 4. Viewing Operation Shortcuts
$ p8 z- a7 w& L5 R9 V7 ~To: Select:" C- Y  k/ a" z2 _
Rotate view in the XY directions r
7 H: y5 C7 Q" d8 M$ LRotate view in the Z direction s (lowercase)# V7 Q+ c# Z% u
Translate view t2 l, V+ g' P$ W0 k* N+ E8 s# f
Change perspective depth d( d+ L% A/ T( Y4 h" D
Dynamically zoom view z& y4 k: J3 O/ y! c. G7 w
Use dynamic increment Shift+ c  m3 [; B3 K# \1 \
49 i$ y4 C, {3 Q2 }
Edit Operations
, [) F9 Y( ]  fTable 1. File Operation Shortcuts
2 T* \! Z. M/ c: R) [To: Select:$ {$ R9 M$ z/ U- Q$ X
Create a new modeling database Ctrl + n7 S- L# X# Z+ r" h
Open an existing modeling database Ctrl + o- o/ G% b& ^6 c: k3 W5 R' ^
Save the current modeling database Ctrl + s  |1 `: c" r9 m' @: M) z
Print Ctrl + p  c  H$ V" {2 q- @4 V) ?1 p: I% e2 F
Read command file F27 [$ D) a' O9 Z1 Y& h& O$ c
Exit Ctrl + q
8 C8 F+ t% x  C8 bTable 2. Edit Operation Shortcuts" s4 _9 G. @* }0 |) \# r. v
To: Select:5 ^1 M  R; @" ~3 t8 f
Undo the last operation Ctrl + z
8 T5 w& g8 |8 ORedo the last undone operation Ctrl- Shift + z
0 k: E( \$ w$ r8 H$ U$ g: c, C. VCopy objects Ctrl + c3 T& [) A, b( h  ?! J
Paste text in text boxes in dialog boxes and as comments Ctrl + v4 V' e) M  r: G0 z
Cut text from text boxes in dialog boxes Ctrl + x
4 H1 M1 C# Q& Q' R6 M- O& b! h% XDelete selected object Del7 g  l4 ?- o* p) w; t6 n
Modify object Ctrl + e
5 K% D4 C, v9 G5 |8 t6 e4 UEscape operation Esc
# X2 }2 h; \$ S, S$ l

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