children of the countess of salisbury
, @; w+ V+ d, fsays as follows: — 160 " i ordered them to keep their beds two or three days before the eruption, that the blood, according to its own genius, might cast out, through the pores, the particles that were easily separated, which oo . Casioned the disease; but i did not permit that they should have any more clothes on, or fire, than they used to hare when they were well. I forbade tbe eating of flesh, and allowed them oatmeal and barley broths, and now and then a roasted apple, and, for their drink, email beer, and milk boiled with three parts of water." for the rest of the treat¬ment, he only prescribed something to " loosen the cough," when very severe, or to open the " bowels " gently, when " confined." he even says, so far as * positive treatment is concerned, little more is neces¬sary. ' He protests, on the one hand, against " ar¬dent spirits and stimulating drugs" toUgg Boots Clearancebring out the eruption, " or to guard