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发表于 2010-10-13 09:52:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 | 倒序浏览 | 阅读模式
华嘉(香港)有限公司是克林贝格和利勃海尔齿轮机床在中国的总代理。华嘉公司总部设于瑞士苏黎世,是一家遍布全球35个国家,聘用超过二万名员工,并有百多年历史的瑞士跨国企业。公司主要引进国外高科技机床和设备到中国。在北京、上海、广州、成都及西安均设有办事处,维修中心在上海。为中国的用户提供最完善、最快捷的服务和信息。7 i8 G- x; K2 x, ]& o+ e
克林贝格——唯一的全套锥齿轮技术供应商: {) m: x+ Q( v6 I9 b% x
克林贝格主要机器有:螺旋锥齿轮切齿机C系列,螺旋锥齿轮磨齿机G系列,螺旋锥齿轮研齿,螺旋锥齿轮检验机,刀测量中心等* S7 j. v" F Q9 N1 p8 V7 U( l9 @
1 t6 Z6 n( c, b. H华嘉(香港)有限公司上海代表处 目前正招聘下列职位4 R8 p3 z: H% }5 \7 J: }2 l: e
a) sales assistant 销售助理
0 T; Z9 Z/ t: c [
+ L" Z4 |# C+ T; PSales Assistant
9 W/ O. T" W) G! u公司行业: 贸易/进出口 机械/设备/重工 公司性质: 外资(欧美)0 E9 G# ?+ ]8 u; J! a
公司规模: 500人以上( X$ K( F( |" c% b% L
Technology 科技事业部1 d1 ]9 z4 N) R
地 址:上海市浦东新区东方路710号汤臣金融大厦21楼
7 ^1 R: _$ f7 _邮政编码:200122
( @2 T8 G; S# a% @5 ^- ~0 l: m联 系 人:HR Dept.
0 j! [& M# z2 S* c6 k# p/ a! ^7 ^0 u; |) G) _
发布日期: 2010-10-11 工作地点: 上海 招聘人数: 1
/ n) F" |; H# _9 M; ]2 A工作年限: 二年以上 语言要求: 英语 熟练 学 历: 本科' E" V* C1 }9 M, M. }+ j/ S$ V- c
职位描述( V. [4 G. C; i! a
Specific job duties
7 q j7 M$ G s9 K1.Contract/order follow-up and management,including customer's overseas trip arrangement
( ]9 W" W1 m- L4 y2 c2.Assist Sales to make the quotation/offer/contract and other necessary sales document to customers- @( V5 m, H9 _$ h& E* x, _- |* O
3.Responsible for preparing of tender documents
. e6 y4 g. _* p8 Y! Z5 a1 F$ U4.Set up and perfect the customer database& h9 n% M! M+ I5 T0 f* _+ m
5.Sales figures monitoring/reporting to sales manager
1 Z% |6 @$ ^- R+ R4 z# e' G% v6.Daily office executive work including hotel reservation and flight/train tickets booking and etc.
5 g7 l6 S$ g, K3 C7 V; f7.Other sales tasks defined by sales manager
) s2 I/ }4 K) q5 y3 E' RQualification and experience" M8 s! X: }% K( T
1.Bachelor degree in mechanical
/ o# N6 ~* `& [1 q# X5 g {! h0 m2 n2.Fluency in both spoken and written English and mandarin,CET 4 is must,CET 6 is preferred
- U& D6 G$ X# @" m! }! `! s2 w3.Minimum 2 years working experiences in secretarial/support role& T# @3 x. o' f+ Q5 x8 R/ W
4.Excellent capability in Word&Excel) j, j( }/ \ _. E5 H3 @" u
Other required skills( e0 r8 {6 g, c: g
1.Passionate,responsible,detail-oriented,hard-working,flexible and willing to learn and achieve high standards.
( s6 ]2 G, T, J; y$ I. @4 Y" @6 v! T/ z/ k
* M/ a/ J. i( Y; [' k8 x电子邮箱:lynn.ge@dksh.com
; x- d+ ]4 L V2 g
, H: Z# G, f! _7 r# e/ D5 j7 Jb) sales engineer(gear machinery) 销售工程师 齿轮设备- k- q4 N& c3 D; G& L* L
Sales Engineer
$ m4 M# R$ O/ B/ ^& ?9 v, @5 y+ ~: J3 ^1 ?) e5 f
公司行业: 贸易/进出口 机械/设备/重工 公司性质: 外资(欧美)
+ r! p+ q! @9 j& g; s公司规模: 500人以上% W0 J$ j( E+ v+ i5 b) `- i' ?
Technology 科技事业部
7 t2 U2 T2 _/ ?" h! v4 n地 址:上海市浦东新区东方路710号汤臣金融大厦21楼- W- n Q$ d! S: d5 G
邮政编码:200122- n1 |7 ], u" |, c1 X
联 系 人:HR Dept.* i' {8 ^! n& \0 p

3 P: T! v x/ f" u. D! |8 Z# p% ~发布日期: 2010-10-11 工作地点: 上海 招聘人数: 1
+ L1 R) t3 d/ M& C3 F2 g工作年限: 三年以上 语言要求: 英语 熟练 学 历: 本科8 X- s0 l, d- a B$ N" d
职位描述* a0 Q. d1 ~ K# U* g7 h# p$ g
Specific job duties0 b& z; Z0 {' R
1.Promote the machine tools market in appointed region in consistency with marketing strategies,goals and targets
- _2 V% U% J! C [3 S+ o2.To achieve annual sales targets and meet customer satisfaction through selling and promoting products to existing and potential customers
1 ]9 k" G4 D6 O- ~( V3.Create business opportunities and develop client relationships,travel in appointed region and meet with clients,maintain customer database
' m$ `* J. ~8 I7 w6 B0 b! G4.Take full responsible to customer suggestions for improvement to be made on current products and services1 S0 \; { L( {) }% M( L& Z
5.Prepare quality documentation i.e. catalogue,quotation,contract as required by the company standard and" }9 R0 y- u' o H0 S# ^
& I2 H! `3 D' c8 }! R( Q6.Other sales tasks assigned by sales manager# _- ~8 U0 Q+ @$ Q" ]& L
Qualification and experience7 b `4 B, `' r
1.Bachelor degree in mechanical" {6 s: C% L' m& Q F3 t
2.Fluency in both spoken and written English and mandarin,CET 4 is must,CET 6 is preferred
. u; a5 s- o! e6 r) E$ h, P3.Minimum 3 years working experiences at sales role in Machine Tools industries
& K# F; I% I2 T) l4.Solid Cylinder Gear or Bevel Gear Knowledge preferred0 h4 n6 K4 U: C: g6 L4 b) ?# P
Other required skills. P9 T7 [7 C+ {" d7 @% Z0 c
1.Passionate,responsible,detail-oriented,hard-working,flexible and willing to learn and achieve high standards.& a# U6 j* P. S/ P q4 ]
1 ]2 I2 }. K) v' w5 S
联系方式; u& l& n1 i2 R7 X6 O- M
! `, q( ]8 I5 u
. _ z; }, \& u0 z! Y2 k$ Cc) application engineer(cylinder gear) 应用工程师 圆柱齿轮
6 l% V, j( W% _- z L3 [* [Application Engineer(Cylinder Gear)
5 D9 K2 z3 t5 U2 d
3 g" {9 ]+ }1 E- C+ [ `9 u公司行业: 贸易/进出口 机械/设备/重工 公司性质: 外资(欧美)9 F+ p/ l- I/ o$ x) C
公司规模: 500人以上
; N- s2 u* w6 cTechnology 科技事业部
( n* U6 ^1 A8 R f3 E: F地 址:上海市浦东新区东方路710号汤臣金融大厦21楼- L- t; O$ u" I0 J- ?( u
9 S$ p% G. P8 _9 S3 r: ]联 系 人:HR Dept.
1 d* l3 q& C- L3 Z# q* W: X3 H' Q# d
. i8 Q o' e. D2 ^/ c发布日期: 2010-09-19 工作地点: 上海 招聘人数: 1
8 D4 b' r' o* L8 ], N) s d工作年限: 五年以上 语言要求: 英语 良好 学 历: 本科
/ ~+ }+ M6 G# ]5 V$ n1 f8 `职位描述
4 c7 V" k; K& J: H. LSpecific job duties0 f/ r& H' D L# [( E
1.Provide support to Sales and help Sales build up relationship with customer.from understanding customer's needs,to presenting products: h- }7 b& ]4 h# ?& t
2.Prepare quality documentation i.e. catalogue,quotation,as required by the company standard and guideline
- c$ r( ?# d/ K D3 [+ r3.Assist contract execution* x* a6 a! m! U8 O' d, e+ F: ~
4.Other sales tasks assigned by sales manager3 m9 p) I% [, {
Qualification and experience:
5 G: n5 |3 ~" l, @+ J/ ?+ I! v1.Bachelor degree in mechanical
" X9 Q' P. { K# a. h# O2.Fluency in both spoken and written English and mandarin, CET 4 is a must, CET 6 preferred.
! v: m$ U/ [6 x9 a, t( B% e+ q3.Minimum 5 years working experiences with cylinder gear grinding or relative processing
C8 X) L) F! d8 j0 ~( {: oOther required skills
I8 o/ [* k6 `3 R4 i1.Passionate,responsible,detail-oriented,hard-working,flexible and willing to learn and achieve high standards.
! c9 d- t+ x- q+ l+ A3 o. H8 ^7 T: B* y) o% v( Q
' l V- |0 Z% \% {9 P电子邮箱:rosy.wu@dksh.com
发表于 2010-10-23 10:58:47 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2010-10-23 15:47:57 | 只看该作者
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