曾经象征着基础工业发达程度的轴承产业,最早出现在欧美国家,其历史已经经历了近百年,悉数家珍,如今又有谁能孤独百年,屹立工业不倒? v% K% `8 {$ b2 {: D4 e1 S
2 F9 F2 q* n: u$ V) d" E
今天就列出部分灭绝,消失匿迹,衰落及被吞并的品牌:, U& I# s. u4 g
?* s& @0 m) l2 g. W. H1 F7 k0 }1 G灭绝:
4 {8 V+ q0 e& K: }
% `& `2 k- F D3 p X# t7 o0 ^美国:9 A- K0 b8 g4 y0 T1 U7 P1 Z
NDH, ND (New Departure of Hampshire, New Departure)1 S5 l8 i4 x* V+ z1 Y/ t
; f" g, k4 z+ B. V4 s% J& c# M9 Y
英国:5 M. F3 [9 p0 v) r
HOFFMANN+ u! i- }) ^" d5 h" R. {& q
: F; B$ ]5 J: M7 }) C4 ^, ]被吞并:8 H$ k, B: b* H/ d
% v+ }7 f7 w( H( o% O1 H美国:9 T6 B& [( o2 J& h# ?
" d' N9 V8 }! w2 C' wMRC(被SKF收购)
/ e. Q. \1 ?4 N$ i/ ?0 J: IBCA/BOWER(被NTN收购)' S$ m9 ]# J! X0 U9 h+ j
DODGE(被BALDOR电机收购)' M1 ]$ k' _3 _9 ?
TORRINGTON(2009年被TIMKEN卖给了KOYO,距离TIMKEN收购TORRINGTON的2003年,只有7年的光景)! d& p& G5 K3 |' s) R
FAFNIR(1985年被TORRINGTON收购后,一并又被卖给了TIMKEN)% F" c2 y7 W' Q$ h% ]7 C% ?
MPB(1990年被TIMKEN收购)' C0 _+ y& W# s: o& @
KILIAN(1975年被Torrington收购,2003年被TIMKEN从Ingersoll-Rand手里买下,2004年被剥离卖给Genstar Capital LP)* F* y% o- Y( G7 l
3 A5 b0 P1 z- j6 ?; h" |RHP(被NSK收购)! P- u7 o+ B+ R( R4 H" N
) R! ?* B; ]0 C9 |: b0 X德国
7 t0 ~4 y! G# Z- T- w9 k: H% t7 L' p) x' x, f- E
东德DKF(Deutsche Kugellagerfabriken)被FAG收购(1990's 90年代)
9 _) S# \ e' u/ M7 `9 H4 w(Note:此举造成FAG1992年后财务危机,因收购DKF东德工厂,而东德政权在一夜间垮台时,由于货币兑换问题,造成大量市场和客户的丢失,而FAG不得不为此买单,险些破产;而DKF宣布破产,彻底消亡)# D- Q+ N7 b" g0 D3 X
- g& a/ b! s- @# c8 t经过90年代中期的努力,FAG从这次严重的财务危机中走出的时候,盈利已经是之前的三倍了,而此时正是世界排名第4位的FAG寻找合适的合作伙伴的时候了,这时的FAG转向了当时排名第三位的日本轴承巨头NTN,然而在2001年却被同一市场的竞争对手,世界排名第六位的INA恶意收购,被迫放弃管理权,虽然当时INA是同意保留FAG为分公司的管理权利,但之后却出尔反尔,将FAG从上市名单中除名了(By the end of the decade, the company had regained its strong market position but was looking for strategic partners and negotiating with the world's number three bearings maker, Japanese NTN. However, in the fall of 2001, FAG, by then number four in the world's bearings market, fell victim to a hostile takeover by major competitor INA Holding Schaeffler KG, worldwide number six. After five weeks of arm-wrestling between the two companies, FAG's top management gave up their resistance. INA agreed to FAG remaining an independent subsidiary with its management holding based in Schweinfurt. However, INA delisted FAG from public trading. )
: X8 L% y) t- D, O' M' y1 f+ d* [/ f7 W
, S( T. j- C9 H# C
# `8 Y9 \$ v( m% E, D. cSKF于1927年创立了VOLVO品牌+ v- A n: n" Z$ M5 ?. |- R1 u% t. y5 a
* ^% E$ Q6 T7 R* V/ Y5 d
GBC也叫General Bearing,通用轴承,别误会,此通用和彼通用非同一家,有关系的是1987年该公司从通用汽车手中收购的Hyatt-Clark Industries Inc,而Hyatt-Clark Industries Inc在加入通用汽车之前的老板Alfred P. Sloan是美国GM(通用汽车)历史上最卓越的领袖,开创了现代企业管理的先河
& P2 l: f1 Z: t" X! f! R" \, X$ u, m# X( W! R
世界上最早的轴承品牌? SKF? 老兄,你又错了, SKF由一位瑞典的工程师名字叫Sven Wingquist成立于1907年, TIMKEN was founded by Henry Timken in St. Louis, Missouri in 1899 and incorporated as The Timken Roller Bearing Axle Company.而1898年TORRINGTON在美国的缅因州成立了世界第一家滚针轴承公司
& Z' D, g0 a1 g; @6 {( @- H. p% l" ^$ @* f! B
- l0 K& Y V4 C) k7 Z% F; O8 i& k# `4 s
诸多的品牌在时代发展进步中做出最基础也是最不可磨灭的贡献, e# R) o' c2 f; m3 i
6 u/ P& J- i w% q3 K! b3 m1883: Friedrich Fischer designs the ball grinder. This machine allows steel balls to be ground to an absolutely round state for the first time – and in large volumes. Thanks to this innovation, he lays the foundation for the entire rolling bearing industry. Thus, the worldwide success story of the ball bearing begins in Schweinfurt./ t+ i6 z4 L4 T: e
* X. l, z0 |- n( `6 P. o8 B1905: On July 29, the FAG brand is registered with the patent office in Berlin. The registered trademark FAG, stands for Fischers Aktien-Gesellschaft.
7 v2 b. U6 c7 W# d3 s" K- ]4 F& k+ H, }
1946: Brothers Wilhelm and Georg Schaeffler, both holders of Ph.D. degrees, found INA in Herzogenaurach.
4 }+ H$ T7 t9 L9 A% d) }3 k. b- @7 c
1949: The needle roller cage, developed by Georg Schaeffler, makes the needle roller bearing a reliable component for industrial applications* E8 F7 x$ P% N8 ^7 b& P0 e m
, M9 | S* k- \- x: I
1965: LuK Lamellen und Kupplungsbau GmbH is founded in Bühl (with INA as one of the investors).
: y6 N. [5 A4 t8 Y
. g% O! h- C( ]4 W6 Y. Y' M1999: INA takes over LuK GmbH
) r# D1 [6 x* b/ }9 c2 U5 i7 v; w6 U; }8 s0 o( S Q
2002: Acquisition of FAG Kugelfischer Georg Schäfer AG, Schweinfurt.+ \4 U& R2 {/ @; ]; ?4 l) D I8 L( V
) F7 r5 E6 k. Y( j% P2003: INA, FAG and LuK form the Schaeffler Group.6 p/ P0 \- F9 \& h0 c
) u- p( C8 g* }# S
2008: Schaeffler Group buys the much larger Continental AG (Germany).$ w4 f$ X: i$ P% O
9 `. T; I% W( s3 a3 U6 [# D2009: It was recently alleged that the Schaeffler group, during the Second World War has used human hair from Auschwitz victims in textiles.( Haaretz)
* n; ]; O( f+ G
4 s) P" F. u+ R1 J( u二战中85%以上的FAG轴承工厂被盟军的炮火所摧毁,至今依然以二战胜利为豪的美国人在www.skatelogforum.com中的一句话非常经典German ball bearing factories were prime targets for Allied bombing runs during World War II. It you take away the enemies ability to roller skate, you take away their ability to fight! 0 P. k. N7 L1 T! Z: @" J2 C
. ~' ]4 L3 @1 ^: [9 R9 v
" }9 f* p+ E* z" o7 q b5 a6 Y6 E+ x9 {
. R8 l0 W1 v0 c0 ^5 p- n# l
: A5 n" q( ~% s3 Q* n0 m g我想这个问题就相当于谁发明了电灯泡,电灯泡到底为这个世界带来了什么一样的问题。! ~ N" L1 x0 f$ c' m# i
. Q' t- L R0 c& a! e& H7 q4 j( `
我们如果细心一点就会发现一项重要的发明往往能使一个公司树立百年而不倒(如FAG, SKF,甚至是GE电气)
% g4 O- l2 n9 o2 W$ B
0 a& P4 v# P* v3 N3 ?" ^Built to last 基业常青% q3 a3 O& I0 W8 {$ a6 l# [
% z* x" O9 ~8 b }( k$ l而轴承使世界转动,在第二次工业革命后的作用,它繁荣了汽车行业,送人上了月球,精密制导灭了两河文化,让空气,真空和磁力又使得无介质摩擦技术达到了一个新的领域。人类在不断发展中,而轴承的生产中心和生产线已经基本向中国等发展中国家转移。这是大势所趋。我们能从历史中学到许多。有人曾经说过,不懂历史的人没有野心(抱负)。经典经典经典啊! |