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发表于 2009-12-11 13:34:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
波士顿动力公司网址9 X9 T; Z8 ?' t5 W/ c4 N$ k
7 X2 a4 r7 ^: j
* A7 ^' A8 M9 I6 ^里面有很多新颖的技术讲解,和视频。+ D- E4 b: z: T5 L0 W' K$ s7 ~- B+ u- ^

3 X/ |* o4 x' E3 S$ g0 X我翻译了其中一部分,大家看了有什么感受?: {! W  |+ P% n/ N
* U( O# h; ^% T# Q
3 Y0 b" B. A7 G$ I  B# t9 `- B+ W& f) c; K" F  v/ N
About Boston Dynamics
9 V6 q/ ~+ y1 o: d3 K
0 A! i# k+ x+ j% {  N3 E

  m6 u, d& ]$ x, s) M" E% ^. JBoston Dynamics is an engineering company that specializes in building dynamic robots and software for human simulation. The company began as a spin-off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where National Academy of Engineering member Marc Raibert and his colleagues first developed robots that ran and maneuvered like animals. They founded the company in 1992, and their ground-breaking work continues to inspire several of the company's activities.
3 |; L) R* |0 R/ l5 G3 W/ G1 W) S* Q' u  c2 r- i
    波士顿动力是一个工程公司,专门开发运动机器人和人类模拟软件。国家工程院成员Marc Raibert和他的同事在麻省理工学院首先开发出类似动物一样跑跳的机器人。1992年,波士顿动力公司从此分离出来独立经营,他们史无前例的工作继续激励着公司的一些活动。* W3 Q  @1 E8 n% Y' \
. N( X: \9 s4 x2 {* k
Today the company creates a variety of innovative robots, including BigDog, a quadruped robot for travel on rough-terrain, PETMAN, an anthropomorphic robot for testing equipment, RISE, a robot that climbs vertical surfaces, SquishBot, a shape-changing chemical robot that moves through tight space, and many others. - Q; M# U  \% d, M9 p5 {
$ C0 r' R2 @4 `( i9 u
    今天,公司创造了多种新颖的机器人,包括“大狗”,一种能够越野行走的四足机器人;PETMAN,能够自我保持平衡的类人(双足)机器人,用来(代替人)测试设备;RISE,一种能够攀援垂直表面的机器人;SquishBot,一种可变形的化学机器人,能在狭小空间移动的,等等。( E0 y9 H( {, U# P% Y: ]
  S- D3 {! U" H9 Y6 M8 c4 i, a$ ~/ N
The company also develops tools for human simulation. DI-Guy is a human simulation product used for simulation-based training, UAV training, law-enforcement training, mission-planning and many other applications. DI-Guy has become the defacto standard for human simulation as used in military applications; it is used by leading organizations world-wide, including the all branches of the US Armed Forces. Digital Biomechanics is a physics-based human simulation product used to design and evaluate equipment used on the human body, such as backpacks, helmets, body armor and the like.
( Y; Q% g) r3 l) _, ^8 w  z. x7 f7 i- Q* ~, e
    公司也开发人类模拟工具。DI-Guy 是一种人类模拟产品,用于模拟训练、UAV(无人驾驶飞行器)训练、行政执法训练(^^!)、任务规划和其他多种应用。事实上,DI-Guy已经变成军用人类模拟的标准,被遍及全球的各种领导机构所采纳,其中包括美国军方的所有分支。数字生物力学是一种基于物理的人类模拟产品,用于设计和评估用于人体的装备,例如背包、头盔、防弹衣等。* y/ R. a: \6 ]* r8 l; }5 F0 _

6 G' i, |  x* x7 o3 R6 u+ b' eBoston Dynamics has an extraordinary technical team of engineers and scientists. The team seamlessly combines advanced analytical thinking with boots-in-the-mud practicality. We pride ourselves in building machines that are both innovative and actually work. / S% w0 q2 }7 S) e

8 e6 [7 S, [% w: R* k8 X    波士顿动力有一个由工程师和科学家组成的非比寻常的专业团队。这个团队完美的把先进的分析方式和实际的问题(boots-in-the-mud 没看懂)结合起来。我们感到自豪,因为我们所作的都是极富创意而且非常实际的工作。0 v0 W/ z- |1 ?" ^9 C

6 _$ _9 r9 A+ U- _3 [5 A8 d" }    翻译有误的地方欢迎大家指正。
3 x! L# \) o' H3 S# x8 {0 I. \- _/ y


参与人数 1威望 +10 收起 理由
老鹰 + 10



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-11 13:44:54 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-11 14:47:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 是成功 于 2009-12-11 14:51 编辑
7 ]1 Q) Z+ q% v1 Y
4 ]7 y2 f9 T" k  t
SquishBot - Advanced Chemistry Robot that Inches, Climbs and Deforms

6 y! F) J! J7 A. ?. z: W
SquishBot – 能缓慢爬行,攀爬和变形的化学机器人
9 y9 W& E3 J5 f$ P) G- u4 Y

- q1 N7 W* j2 J; b3 u/ A, g8 _1 s' `
SquishBot is a program to develop a new class of soft, shape-changing robot. The goal is to design systems that can transform themselves from hard to soft and from soft to hard, upon command. Another goal is to create systems that change their critical dimensions by large amounts, as much as 10x. Such robots will be like soft animals that can squeeze themselves through small openings and into tight places.

5 t$ F4 }6 S, m, N5 i" l, `
& n, |! m- J  C% m

" s" H3 h/ L4 v- l2 }, I& V1 v) z+ `) R4 a) k, c) ?1 y! T
& W- c# Q; z1 S7 p% E' Z0 T
The Boston Dynamics-lead team includes researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who specialize in novel materials and deformable structures. The program leverages MIT's previous work developing slug robots and Boston Dynamics' work on robots that crawl, walk and climb. SquishBot is funded by the Defense Sciences Office at DARPA as part of the ChemBot program.
% ?3 F" {. B: \

7 ?" t( ]* |1 x# {& T8 ?8 @
, K8 L! v: }; ~# M# W    波士顿动力领导小组,包括麻省理工学院的材料专家和变形结构专家。这个项目综合(leverage)了麻省理工学院开发蛞蝓机器人的工作和波士顿动力的爬行、行走、攀爬机器人的工作。SquishBot作为ChemBot项目的一部分,得到到防御远景研究规划局(DARPA)国防科学办公室的资助。
  k& x3 j8 H0 B) n8 \+ V/ ]6 B5 `* v( k

$ e: `, _0 Q  i7 H 注:ChemBot是美国iRobot公司研发出一款外形恐怖的化学机器人,ChemBot整体颠覆了机器人的传统形象。ChemBot整体外形就像一个不规则的球,靠改变其外形进行移动。其设计过程中利用了“堵塞”原理,通过增加液体密度使液体变为固体状态的物理过程。6 C! H% s( p3 K/ B
( b. Q( t/ r3 V- f0 o6 I3 l
; R. A5 s* `9 e

! ^0 p: G& Q5 U. f: J8 ~; }
7 S" u2 j+ a- P6 @+ m
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发表于 2009-12-11 16:18:26 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-12-11 16:57:04 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-12-12 23:32:57 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-13 12:31:13 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-12-13 17:46:21 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2010-1-30 11:10:22 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-9-16 08:58:01 | 只看该作者
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