昆山金泰利模具五金是一家大型专业代理进口精密切削刀具量具及铣床磨床CNC等模具机械工具配件的专业公司,总公司设于香港,在深圳,重庆,武汉,西安,天津,大连,合肥,南京都设有办事处,服务点。主要服务于廣大电子元件,模具制造,机械加工,汽车家电制造,品检计量等领域工厂或使用部门。我们将为您提供最专业的服务,最优良的品质,最誠摯合理的价格,并备有足够的庫存,可以全方位的滿足您的需要。 2 o3 O% _" U" T# s" T
主要经营产品:: b& O7 Z- d/ J6 b
; u9 K( e; `. b, E h4 I: Z# D切 削 刀 具:日本STK /SKL铣刀NACHI 不二越钻头铣刀丝锥带锯 ,台湾CMT钨钢铣刀,美国QCT/LBK高精度钨钢铣刀,,台湾三禄车刀,台湾苏氏TPT钻头,日本OSG(TOSG)大宝丝攻(丝锥),螺帽丝锥滚丝轮,牙板牙规,板牙,钨钢丝攻,' j) W* v' T2 g3 m9 z) p
日本东芝,住友,京瓷,三菱,黛杰 / 伊斯卡/克洛依/日立/瑞士Lamina刀片。# Z( J, F/ t( S f
★; E0 N5 ~; j$ u1 W6 n, e6 q7 _
数控刀具:台湾AW安威Evermore粗搪刀刀座,STANNY世邦精粗搪刀, BT刀柄,铣刀把强力铣刀夹头筒夹 延长杆 舍弃式刀杆 舍弃式快速钻头,微调精搪孔系统,锁刀座拉钉螺栓,台湾广杰刀柄延长杆夹头筒夹,耐久搪刀钻铣万用刀杆,铨宝钻夹头,日本九州,日研 SHOEA精密高速刀把镗刀) t1 \. w: I3 g9 u
★/ [# d2 _3 X2 m- g
机 床 附件:台湾精展铣床磨床配件,冲子成型器冲子研磨机 砂轮修整器 角度成型器,工具万力 精密块规 精密吸盘 正弦磁台,线切割夹具台湾丽勋陶瓷寻边器,Z轴设定器, 台湾鹰牌工具万能磨刀机,英国电控永磁吸盘夹紧装置,台湾仪辰ECE磁性工具,永磁吊重器,协威虎钳,京山万能夹具组(组合压板)台湾贸巨气动攻丝机,千岛卡盘,卡盘软爪硬爪,油压夹头+ t2 x! e S6 ?! J1 q* e; U
★, |- t$ I' i4 h' K7 @
磨具润滑抛光及模具标准件: 美国诺顿砂轮 台湾基准CBN&SDC树脂砂轮,中国砂轮,普力切割片 瑞典鱼唛锯条,韩国金钟油石,美国必宝油石,日本女神红丹,德国省铜膏(金属护理膏),瑞士羊角精密锉刀,美国鹿牌油石,五星钻石膏,丹利士油石钻石膏修刀,台湾力全气动刻磨机,超音波抛光研磨机,日本模具计数器, 德国YC钢印,红鹰砂纸,台湾恐龙WD40 防锈油 除垢油 线切割机用离子交换树脂,过滤器,英国比尔罗哥攻牙油精 冲压油,日本FUTABA(瑞士AGATHON)模具标准件导柱导套定位珠,优力胶,日本多摩东发弹簧 3 ?7 g8 a7 O4 y$ |4 n L+ l0 h0 O% m
6 E! H9 e3 q3 A检 测 量 具:日本三丰Mitutoyo精密量仪,万濠投影仪光学尺系统,日本爱森EISEN新鸿针规、大宝塞规栓环规 爱光AIKOH推拉力计,放大镜,显微镜,硬度计,德国哈斯伯H+S精密垫片,文件整理柜,刀具管理车。2 V9 a2 Q" a( u
# Q. O& W& z5 @ b# p公司自创办以来,我们本着诚信经营的原则,积极进取,勇于开拓,经过多年的努力拼搏,公司曾获得了业界各项荣誉称号。我司目前拥有很多优秀的技术人才,成熟的市场渠道,良好的企业声誉。今后公司将竭诚为各界客户提供出色的服务,及具有竞争性的价格和具有创新精神的高技能解决方案。我们本着诚信、专业热忱的宗旨,开拓更大的营销渠道,扩大市场占有率,挖掘潜在商机,与合作伙伴们共同发展壮大。9 H- }* \/ a# {$ [" m& x. h5 ^! {
昆山市金泰利贸易商行真诚欢迎有识之士前来加盟!以人为本,用心服务,不断创新公司文化,使公司冲向一个又一个浪花!. I+ k6 U' Y5 ?, D( e( ^
电话:0512-50774972 传真:0512-57019466 李先生 % j I i& ]& q' N, ^
Gentili Kunshan is a large metal molds imported professional precision measuring and cutting tools such as CNC milling machine tool accessories machine tool company, headquartered in Hong Kong, in Shenzhen, Chongqing, Wuhan, Xi'an, Tianjin, Dalian, Hefei, Nanjing with offices and service points. The main services in the vast number of electronic components, mold manufacturing, machining, automotive appliances manufacturing, inspection measures in areas such as factory or user departments. We will provide you with the most professional services, best quality, most sincere and reasonable prices, and availability of adequate inventory, you can meet all your needs. 4 i0 y0 X ?6 M) B- C" q4 @
Main products:
5 o% u' L& Z$ @, ?' F2 r# l★ Cutting Tools: Japan STK / SKL bit more milling cutter NACHI Fujio tap band saw, Taiwan CMT tungsten steel milling cutter, the United States QCT / LBK precision tungsten steel milling, lathe tool sunrox Taiwan Taiwan TPT SU bit, Japan OSG (TOSG) Babs big attack (tap), nut tap rolling wheels, die dental regulation, die, tungsten wire attack, Toshiba, Sumitomo, Kyocera, Mitsubishi, Isca / Crowe according / Hitachi / Swiss Lamina blade.
/ o4 x4 Z9 v3 a9 p8 Q h( @★ CNC Tool: Tool安威Taiwan, STANNY fine sebang keep out a knife, BT shank, chuck cutter tube cutter to powerful folder-type holders to extend the pole up discarded fast bit, fine boring holes to fine-tune the system, lock knife Block pull screw bolts, Taiwan Guangjie chuck cylinder rod to extend the handle folder, durable lining Universal milling cutter drill holders, drill chuck Bao Quan, Kyushu, Japan, Japan Institute of precision high-speed SHOEA Dao BORING
/ {7 l) B) `2 @, g. f8 E★ machine Annex: exhibition Taiwan precision milling machine accessories, Former Punch Punch Grinder Wheel Dresser Former perspective, tools, Motorola precision block precision regulated sinusoidal magnetic sucker units, wire-cutting ceramic fixture find Taiwan Li edge browser-hoon, Z axis configuration, and the Taiwan Universal Grinding Tools eagle, the British electronic control of permanent magnet sucker clamping devices, permanent magnet hoist, and the Association vice-wai, Jingshan universal clamp group (combination plate) Taiwan trade giant pneumatic tapping machine, the Kuril chuck, chuck soft claw claw hardware, hydraulic chucks 3 N$ g4 B+ {: y1 |5 B6 I# i
★ abrasive polishing and die lubrication standard: The United States Taiwan's benchmark Norton Grinding Wheel CBN & SDC resin grinding wheel, grinding wheel in China, Pu-edge cutting blade films Mark Fish Sweden, South Korea oilstone Admiralty, the United States will oilstone Po, Japan Hongdan goddess, the German province of copper paste (metal care cream), the Swiss precision Yanggakdo file, the U.S. licensing oilstone deer, five-star diamond paste, diamond paste repair oilstone knife, carved the Taiwan Air Force-wide mill, polishing grinder ultrasound, Japan mold counter, Germany YC Seal, red eagle sandpaper, Taiwan antirust WD40 oil descaling dinosaur oil EDM with ion exchange resins, filters, press the British Beer tapping oil Oil, Japan FUTABA (Switzerland AGATHON) standard mold sets of positioning guide Guides beads, excellent power plastic, made in Japan Tama East Spring . ?% s2 d$ [: _) W, ], Q$ q
★ detection measuring: Mitutoyo Mitutoyo precision measuring instruments, Wan Ho-foot projector optical system, the Japanese love the new hung needle EISEN sum rules Dabao ring plug bolt push pull AIKOH Aiguang, the magnifying glass, microscope, hardness tester, Germany H + S Precision Gasket, document finishing cabinets, tool management vehicles.
4 N: M- r5 y# `1 h1 m Since its inception, our operating principle of good faith and positive, the courage to open up, after years of hard work, the company has received the honorary title of the industry. Division I has many outstanding technical talents, mature market channels, good corporate reputation. The future from all walks of life will be dedicated to provide excellent customer service and competitive prices and innovative solutions for high-skilled. We rely on an honest and professional dedication of purpose, to open up more marketing channels to expand market share, and tap the potential business opportunities and cooperation partners to grow and develop.
* s5 E. f4 H/ t& M% o- s# N+ kKunshan City Trading Gentili people sincerely welcome to come join! People-oriented, hard service, innovative corporate culture, so the company into one spray! |