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发表于 2009-3-22 14:40:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 | 倒序浏览 | 阅读模式
Table of Contents( N4 L2 `; z4 _( x0 i: U
I. Purpose 目的
: U% E. H' l3 T+ ~5 mII. Scope 适用范围
7 C. ?6 o3 @8 f jIII. Die classification 模具等级
& @4 d6 f" e& z l; q3 sIV. Metal stamping dies-General Requirements 五金模具一般要求2 z* w' ~4 f# B% j( I% [
Die design and construction data sheet 模具设计及组装时间表/ l& U' I& c% p2 ~4 J
Die design approval 模具设计审核
, C2 s1 Q0 l5 } p# oDie design ownership 模具设计所有权
6 g" C4 {6 P( O9 p0 ?; xDie noise模具噪音
1 d' K {+ r2 V( p" W7 a3 s2 HDie design responsibilities 模具设计责任$ }- D R' _! x; B% H
Die performance模具性能
7 ?6 E+ ?8 v: ^$ vV. Die design criteria 模具设计标准
4 t8 k7 I$ S' X# u, L2 j9 tA. Preferred components优先配件(首选零件)
' z E6 k5 c( @4 P+ A- o* LB. Production material产品材质! z: g8 R B# Q: Q" G- C( c
C. Calculating operating tonnage of die 模具工作吨位
, T" V. b( r) M* k! j& ^4 {( s, _D. General die life and construction 模具寿命及构造6 j9 t6 X# X3 A' T/ M
E. Safety安全
: B" e: [/ Z. Z; HF. Scrap removal废料移出装置( L" _, W) p1 R1 V
G. Die set 模座
( F& S2 z1 ?# r5 Z* A8 [3 TH. Die mounting 模具安装1 j ?. q0 d& h
I. Maintenance requirements 维修要求
* a2 o( p% y$ N/ [J. Die lubricants模具润滑' v2 P0 s) U0 b( f
K. Die protection模具保护装置
5 f8 w) B9 | C( Y4 U$ e2 pL. Shear clearances冲裁间隙; p$ C3 q" ? Y+ y: \
M. Stock guiding and control材料导向及定位
, J2 c1 g/ N( J) ~: A, N8 z# fN. Die material模具材料
5 h' l# e+ J' N8 p2 WO. Parallels垫脚
- O/ A: W+ h+ LP. Dowels合销; Z/ `- M+ f5 ^/ P' K
Q. Punches, buttons, and retainers 冲头,镶件以及固定器
4 R$ C b% z! A3 R1 Y) `" o. j9 q* \R. Springs弹簧
0 W/ f: t3 U5 m( F' h4 gS. Strippers脱料装置' \9 p! E& E2 e% Z
T. Nitrogen systems氮气系统
# l9 t; e E( u* I5 X! l4 TU. Positive knockouts正面取出
% p- |# h j/ \( `* h+ PV. Pressure pins顶料销1 D7 O6 x% \8 e+ A& l/ o
X. Forming and drawing dies成型及拉伸模具b2 s3 t+ E' W+ v7 C) |1 f! K
Y. Cam and slide type dies凸轮和滑块式模具- G5 x: d9 H! B6 j# c5 y
VI. Stamping and marking 钢印及标记' l) S% B( i6 K7 u
VII. Tryout and approval to ship 试模及船运
# E" B% G/ n9 [) VVIII. Tryout, recertification, and final approval 试模,证明及最终承认( t& X3 e7 n# {9 X/ |0 r
IX. Payment terms 付款条约
$ N$ ~2 t2 R' L, ~( }9 JX. Substitutions(spare parts) 备件" I/ ]2 A+ F8 F. N. U, l
XI. Changes设变
# o& B" M' D) C. k6 q* u. s/ Z+ SAny deviation from this Die Building Requirements & Specifications will require a written request from vendor to the Su-dan Corporation Project Engineer.) l a6 @4 V5 }4 h
如有任何违背本份模具制造要求及规范,供应商都需向 Su-dan项目工程师提供一份书面要求。
# t( f, ?" o a/ @# s/ sI. Purpose 目的
, B5 o1 {# X: E# TA. The purpose of this metal stamping die standard is to provide detailed instructions for use in the design, construction, and testing of all metal stamping dies supplied to the Su-dan Corporation7 I) w- b/ z, a( }
本份模具标准是向所有提供给Su-dan公司的五金模具的设计、组立、试模提供细节指导。* G) ~" F# t8 r. c$ G( {* L
1.Su-dan requires die(s) to produce finished parts that conform to:
6 S9 a! q( l! P! K7 aSu-dan要求模具制造的产品应与以下保证一致:$ X' P1 }# K4 a ^$ h+ }% _/ ~, O: L
a. The part drawing. 产品图面7 G: g C% ?1 N
b.Including geometric dimensioning and tolerancing.
: k; d9 A+ Q& V* w' e3 b& ^形状尺寸及公差
- R4 { Q6 ^( ~7 ^/ ec.Requirements for first parts approval process.
3 v" ], g l e+ }# \首件承认程序要求
) `" A. I# z& H0 G2.This standard and the specifications referenced herein are issued to:
5 F. @8 u! Q/ ~1 ^ x- z本标准是应用:
3 h7 a- w; D5 T+ p R+ { ]3 v& ka.Define the general classifications of metal stamping dies for Su-dan. 定Su-dan五金模具分类# {* y: |( N/ h3 Y# G% ~
b.Reduce the dies design and build costs by: 通过以下条款降低模具设计及组立成本
$ w( ~) [5 d5 S3 Y8 G5 y(1)Standardization of design, which will decrease review time and expense.4 p2 D1 p4 c; C/ N1 A- U" A" J
- t p2 W, ^; D& F% P(2) Using commercially available die components. 使用标准件5 k; u4 K0 H3 B- p, J* v% ^
c.Assure the safety of Su-dan personnel. 确保Su-dan员工安全0 D; K+ _/ j" t6 v
d.Promote superior tool design and consistent die making practices.* V/ S( U7 V2 m$ a% y" r
5 r+ S* V" b/ a8 f" l- u3 l( AII. Scope
# ^- T6 b# v$ G0 m3 m% EA. All metal stamping dies supplied to Su-dan will comply with the requirements specified herein and as stated in the die design and construction data sheets.. k* z& Y9 L- l ?5 J4 _/ d
所有供应给Su-dan的铁件模具必须遵守这份指定的及在模具设计及组装表册里规定的要求1 ~* P! w: r! A8 C( y: ?, f
III. Die Classifications 模具级别' z; h9 W# U# E. f" F7 l
A. All dies will be constructed for inter-changeability of perishable die blocks, punches, retainers, die buttons, and pilots.
$ e W5 @+ t- }! @; }: m模具需保证易坏的镶快、冲头、固定器、引导冲组装的易换性。
A5 ~7 k2 n3 e+ E/ B3 m+ l2 T" N! J* qB. Die material requirements: 模具材质要求
) q$ R" z5 w* e- U4 GDie Component Description模具组件名称Die Material Type材质种类: D! `7 k$ R& o( x" D+ H; V
Die steel 模板D2 or better( b+ n7 ~8 B! l: R+ e# F5 a3 `
Filler steel 导料板 HRS/CRS
+ S3 z `& s1 K5 U5 O7 nButtons 镶件M-2
/ ~4 W O9 |- d" p# i+ ~4 qPilots 引导冲M-27 [ R3 b# m1 R& _# h. f
Punches 冲头M-29 F7 R z7 _ K( \+ j! R# ]
Buttons & punch retainers 镶件及冲头固定装置 A2, 6150,8 n7 N+ W6 h. s0 A* ~
-4140 steel - hardened" }5 v! R) _4 _( A: ]
Pressure pads 压料垫板 6150 or 4140 steel -hardened (See p.17, S-16)
+ U. g/ i+ j0 a1 D; OStripper windows 脱料板快拆窗口 6150, 4140 or 0-1 steel hardened
; L# X+ B9 ?% B; S8 ^-(See p. 17, S-16)
3 D5 s* W6 o z! ~6 m V5 r" tForm steel成型D2 or better
" \- \2 k5 V( _1 }( n' RIn any application where Su-dan is stamping a high strength or high carbon material the use of CPM-4, CPM10V, and CRU-Wear material with a surface coating should be discussed.7 V0 K# \8 b2 n. N l* y0 r! A
4 s! N: v) {3 M8 N$ GIV. Metal Stamping Dies - General Requirements: 五金模具——一般要求
+ a r0 g! q$ r* P: C7 C* xA. Die design and construction data sheet: 模具设计与组立数据表
/ J* ^5 |2 _: c1. The Su-dan Engineer shall complete and submit data sheet with each die proposal request (Including shut height, feed levels, parallels, etc.).8 g2 {! H& r1 U6 K! @: _
0 w) T; f% h/ ]( D. J& F; v2. Data sheet will be updated at final die design review, including the Project Engineer and the vendor’s recommendations, which will become part of the general die specifications.
* L8 C1 o. F" s O4 l! a+ W资料表在最终模具审核时应该更新,项目工程师及供应商的建议都将成为普通模具规范的一部分。
楼主 | 发表于 2009-3-22 14:43:57 | 只看该作者
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