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发表于 2009-3-7 20:09:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
' |) c  O8 y% s* _6 ^  L6 B
8 v7 I& z% y, K1 O9 p) q# J刚开始翻译,手有点生,主要是意译.如果写的不明白还请众兄弟们见谅
8 @* p  D7 I9 o: c7 c& C
' A7 G- D% _1 F, s" @7 `- \! a[ 本帖最后由 吟啸徐行 于 2009-3-7 20:19 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-7 20:19:49 | 只看该作者
Welcome to CMM Talk
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5 w; u5 H5 Z. _+ Q3 j
The CMM Talk user forum is divided into the following categories:/ L, A3 N7 _: Y5 F  W* d
CMM 必威APP精装版下载分为一下几个区:
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2 g5 H5 h6 o6 k% a大杂烩-为没有专门划分区而提供的一个讨论区
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Hardware - CMM and Portable - Forums exist for users of the numerous CMM and Portable hardware brands. The intent of this forum is to discuss CMM hardware, service and associated issues and experiences.
$ g8 u- \- a! ^$ s硬件- CMM 和便携式的- 存在很多桥式和便携式牌子分区。分区将讨论 CMM 硬件、服务,与之相关的费用和经验。% x6 P1 T) G6 H$ v8 b& P8 m
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* U8 ?, [8 X$ k! I$ B) r# C2 ^软件-这个分区存在主流的CMM 软件。分区目的为交换主意,经验, 疑问和相关的答案
4 i; {/ k- A2 S) `$ |: l
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& K/ X/ A) q7 G, J; }测头-这个分区主要是交流测头,探针信息等.包括 Renishaw , Zeiss 和其他者。0 _1 \8 e- L) S

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-9 20:17:59 | 只看该作者
Life Expectancy of a new PH10M and a refurbished one3 J) A6 t6 j# u, H* T- J
新的和修复后的 PH10 M 的平均寿命? : Z1 x5 B! G7 k' N
$ {  G* A& R0 t4 y7 K9 p, p
What is it? I replaced my PH10M with a RBE 3 years ago. Now I need to replace it again. What gives? " z0 N9 g8 [4 o0 W- a# ^
什么? 我 3 年前从 RBE 更换我的 PH10 M 。 现在我需要再次更换它。 什么原因? 4 t, g6 T- `; H9 v( S0 |( F
9 b* Z6 Y& R1 o' l3 D# ^$ v+ k* P
couple factors influence the life expectancy of a PH9/10 probe head.7 g5 L) \; d3 W% U# `; b
# z1 O5 F! i# H. J5 T) [
Crashes, probe indexing frequency and the power being supplied to the controller. I have seen some PH9's last a good 10 years+ and others go 3 years because they get abused. Are you sure it's the probe head that is buggered and not the internal head cable in your machine?  }' J, r$ ^1 L' w

3 ~. V3 s* P; ^+ e$ F6 _3 ~+ q* h& Z- g* o7 X
一些因素影响 PH9/ph10 测头的平均寿命。3 m# z; I9 M; r6 J4 c

8 o& ?  i: O" k' \) [8 U撞击,使用频率和测量时力度。 我曾经见到一些 PH9 正常工作10 多年,而另外一些不足3年因为他们没有被正确使用你确定它是测头故障而不是机器内部的电缆?7 i3 v* l- @- ?* L, V' `1 I

) f5 `: V8 H' a& p' l* f0 R. c# {* T& l' u3 g! Q; ?
Yes, it's the head. I took the head off the column, checked all my connections. What was happening, at 90,0, while measuring as point in the -Y direction, the head would unseat. At first I thought it was the TP200 or module. I put in another TP200 and module, and it unseated again at 90,0. This machine has been running roughly 18 hours a day measuring the same part. It has not seen a crash ever (to the best of my knowledge).6 |2 U0 I) F* ^9 M" [, s$ s

& z  `! T, s2 f: z' w1 h& QJust got an RBE this morning. It now works as it should.
" q/ x4 {" B" `5 Q
# [" @1 j/ J) B$ y* {: O是的,是测头。 我从立柱上拆掉了测头,检查我所有的连接。 故障状态是:在 90,0角度时, 在-Y方向测量点的时候,测头不能抬起。 起先,我认为故障的是TP200 或模块。我换上另外的TP200 和模块,在 90,0角度时,它同样不能就位. 这部机器一天大概18小时测量相同的零件。 它还不有发生一次的猛烈撞击。(据我说知): X- \6 ?/ `. t& Y4 D. b

* O4 \3 \' v; v9 T仅仅是今天早晨换了一个测头从RBE.它现在正常工作。- J9 a7 `( n4 q5 T) \
: W% f7 x1 y& z) `" E
[ 本帖最后由 吟啸徐行 于 2009-3-9 20:19 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-9 21:37:03 | 只看该作者
! b/ O8 T1 C, u  f
  z3 `: ^5 [2 _' n6 G/ B1 ^; p8 ?, g4 N% t
I'm looking into the Renishaw SP25. I understand this has good qualities when it comes to scanning. I do a fair amount of scanning. However, I'm not sure about the calibration cycle, and time. I'm referring to the time required to qualify a styli change, and new A-B angles.
9 T- ~! E3 E7 m0 q8 D: z5 h
% @/ Q: }0 b* p3 bI'd like hear from anyone already using the SP25, on any system.
9 y5 w3 x; s2 [; E- ?5 Z0 _1 E$ U0 V4 J* f1 X! C8 \+ `
我正在考察 Renishaw SP25 。 我知道当扫描的时候它有很好的特征。 我要做一定量的扫描。 然而,我不能确认校准周期和时间。 我指的校准周期是探针值变化和使用新的AB角度。
/ |1 n5 n" ?6 m6 L* w) r, ]# B: c/ K. f$ h5 d- C% x
我想要听些已经使用 SP25的人意见, 不管任何系统上
) D. J) _$ d. o1 O) B9 [* \+ X# j6 z: b$ U! {; b
You might refer to this. It is pretty time consuming. Maybe 10-20 times longer that a traditional trigger probe?? Just a guess on that.
; u3 j& q0 e$ h3 Rhttp://pcdmisforum.com/showpost.php?p=19575&postcount=1
; X% M6 {) }% g) L3 P7 U- b# G9 s9 r& H# M0 T
你可能会涉及这。时间是相当长。可能一个传统的接触测头的10-20倍长?只是在那上的一个猜测。8 x3 f$ q. t2 n# k* g
7 U5 M( F5 t. p3 Q- |" N; L/ M9 e0 o: L9 r
Yes the calibration of the SP25M is time consuming, about 4 mins per probe due to the fact it repeats the routine twice to determine the scanning probe factors. I am very impressed with the probes accuracy on my Mitutoyo Crysta.
. G3 g) ]1 f/ z5 Q9 H5 R5 `/ ^* c7 ^+ e1 ]) Q2 H, s% o
是的 SP25 M 的校准是非常耗费时间的,大约 4 分钟每一探头角度,事实上它重复常规的两次来确定扫描探针.在Mitutoyo Crysta 上其精度给我留下深刻的印象。
0 q4 U6 D* ^, w$ u- Y& f+ Z
4 R& x( V. ~) V+ pI am using SP25M with Mcosmos, the accuracy is very good but the time difference is as previously suggested - 15/20 seconds per probe position touch trigger, 4:30 - 5 mins per position scanning factors.
% G' [1 H$ k9 M1 {  p* L& RThe scanning times can be changed but the setting used depends on the accuracy req'd
9 A: [; n* @4 R# Z+ f$ Y
* V1 u& k$ |  J0 l+ r1 nHowever,I do not find the calibration time a problem as I use the scheduler in the software to run the program lights out during sunday.
/ `7 W6 O8 Q" A& r% g: E/ [# \5 ~
* }5 t0 m7 c" z4 Z  t5 x$ ~, V# rThe cmm should be verified in accordance with the following spec'n :-
. A/ W( W+ K& k6 i" a. v# x, [, w. u  x6 G1 s2 R2 e9 y
"ISO 10360-4:2000 & t8 F3 C/ m2 k+ U. [5 [2 j
Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines Part 4: CMMs used in scanning measuring mode" ! Q2 X& D, R" o; P, P8 @0 d

# V1 h3 i6 w* U0 L我正在使用SP25M和Mcosmos(三丰软件) ,精度非常好,但是时间不同意上面两位:15/20倍常规接触测头,4-5分一个测头角度 。扫描时间是可以改变的,但是使用设定取决于精度  r  u. u# D0 h4 H
. I7 I4 n- T( D. q. m
然而,我并没发现校准时间是一个问题,我使用软件中的程序直到周末关灯为止。, G  G& T, M" H  z$ h
" W* E4 h8 s2 @, o! X
cmm 应该符合下列的标准" L8 A! o' U# L
ISO 10360-4:2000
4 E3 h4 Y5 M, h* @; m2 \( `三坐标认可和校验测试4: CMMs中使用扫描测头” 8 V, X+ Z* f% k" O7 [5 G9 g+ m  k

; t$ a5 f, ^$ X1 J3 H/ sWith the latest release of the Renishaw scanning calibration DLL, Renishaw have reduced the scanning probe calibration times by 35% Using a calibration speed of 20mm/sec, it is now possible to calibrate and qualify a tip in 2 minutes.! |3 o+ H& n% `" s
The added benifits of an SP25 are probe lengths of 400mm and the capacity to collect so much more information about the part's shape as well as size.( R% {2 z, v0 V, U
, v2 O& A/ b  X: U8 H
Renishaw扫描校准最新的新闻链接, Renishaw在使用校准速度在20mm/sec的前提下,已经减少校准时间35%,比较可能的是校准同时通过一个角度需要2分钟/ U- X- W! S" D9 z
SP25 的附加杆最大为400 毫米和更多的能力收集零件外形。
# [8 g7 ?  p# P: k8 Z, @ & s1 Q4 C4 C( p5 ^
: }6 s& v5 O9 p1 r) AIf you are worried about the time it takes to calibrate the probes the easiest thing to do is generate a probe cal routine in MCOSMOS and run on the weekend. It's easy!
2 d, a3 d. e4 s5 }- |" k( D! T) d" B  g6 s$ B+ G1 B0 _
" `3 R  ^- x6 I! _9 k, l. a
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发表于 2009-3-9 22:49:18 | 只看该作者
兄弟辛苦了,和你不一样,我喜欢去http://www.practicalmachinist.co ... 6413&i=66568274
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发表于 2009-3-10 18:56:20 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 23:18:38 | 只看该作者
does probe ball dia affects the measurent?because i have a probe with 2 mm dia and its giving 3 microns error but as i use the 6 mm ball dia probe , the error goes to 10 microns (its stem length is also bigger than the previous probe).
2 y3 I; _) k5 V) t0 L# wbillabong1 p( k, l' G* J; Z% \
7 }$ [* R& o$ H: c. K& A) H% h5 `2 u6 d: L
Some things to consider here.& G; F, R8 I6 P8 `6 ]8 m
Every probe ball ( stylus ) has some slight deviation from the nominal size.
" a% b6 L% h6 M, fThere is also some pre-travel before the touch trigger probe sends the signal to the controller. How much depends on which touch trigger probe you have (
) s! B4 g/ F4 [9 O" Y. `! j
/ Z( v# w0 H) r& G8 _( U5 p% uRenishaw TP2 , TP 20 , TP200 etc )., w$ r, R+ ?- \4 g$ m, i- ~
As long as you are calibrating them against a CALIBRATED masterball , 8 E# e, E! A* w/ e) h
AND you have input the CALIBRATED masterball result ( from the certificate )
: J6 X0 T% A0 F9 |% _& jinto your measuring software, you should not have to worry about a difference $ f" I- r& f* k
of 7 microns between styli. 4 z  U6 |) ?$ ?. B
Remembering your attempts to calibrate the whole machine with gauge blocks, # ?0 U! A- X3 P/ H4 x. {+ Z. N: l
I'd be surprised if you have the masterball calibrated. If you do, I stand corrected.
( n" d; z7 C- P4 W% e1 Q& Y9 ^" a  T/ C- m* t
0 g0 N5 [4 L4 P/ s每个实际探针与理论值都有一些微小的偏离。 4 ]8 j& s2 C- ]" i& M- c
探针将触发信号送到控制器之前,也有一些预行程。 行程的多少取决于你使用的测头.(Renishaw TP2,TP20,TP200 及其他)
" m4 ~& |* t9 X8 U- q只要你用标准器标准球来校正他们 , 7 _; k! B, g7 w- F! L- z( J0 d( O
/ a- ]) k! x# _0 E8 w打开你的测量软件,你没必要担忧探针偏差7个微米。
% E! y& `, x# t2 c记得尝试用标准度块校正整个的机器,
# b/ p* G( K1 g, ~' Y+ M如果你校正标准球,我将会感到惊讶。 如果你做了,我认错。
% C3 f9 ^1 z& `4 _- B5 K! g$ K1 N5 K1 u* O4 t/ a7 q, w9 H4 j' l
You need to get the basics of your machine correct 1st before questioning
. K4 w  R8 N4 F4 m8 Kany error or any accuracy issues you have. # G' O' H1 W% ?2 B, U+ e! z
询问之前你需要第一时间得到你的机器的偏差' _, x. O! r( z2 n1 n/ j+ ?0 Z
无论任何错误或任何精度偏差。 5 c( }6 Q7 o4 u! t8 l! ?3 V
# [8 A: d# K4 d7 v# c
Yes! the diameter of the tip ball gives an error which is known as "cosine error" see attached file.( ^1 j! v1 s2 K4 L
I don't know what you are measuring but if you check a gauge block with tip dia. 2/6 it should NOT give you that difference in error!
' F  u1 S. l- `$ t; P0 L; IClick here for Tip_points.pdf
% Q+ Y1 q2 N9 |+ @3 W. s& v# ?1 X0 W; Z8 p0 `1 V$ X6 R
是的,探针标准球给出一个误差以"cosine error "
5 A# P% a9 c( Z8 K% T5 W我不知道你是怎么测量的,但是如果你用探针检查一个量块.但它不能给你偏差的不同!
& z3 F* c/ {' `  o6 E+ a  {  C点击这 Tip_points.pdf
0 H! |/ d1 H$ U
1 o: i% T* G' m0 oIf you're trying to check a 3D cone as a 2D dia at a certain Z level then, yes probe diameter will affect accuracy. $ Y% V; f% G& F4 N1 }- q
If you're look at roundness of a known round item, say a ring gage, then the size of the tip doesn't matter except that larger diameters tend to not be as round as smaller diameters but this is generally a relatively small difference.
% M) G# G( ?( N, ?6 {The biggest thing that affects accuracy/repeatability/tri-lobing is the length of the stylus. It's much more complicated but generally speaking, if a 1" long stylus results in .0003 of tri-lobing, a 2" long stylus will be around .0006. The same basic concept applies to articulating probe heads. The longer the distance from the fulcrum to the prope tip, the more variance you will have when indexing the probe head. There are many other factors involved but the probe $ i- k9 p: a8 O# A! Q# A+ A; I
length is by far the largest contributor. That is, assuming that cleanliness is under control.
6 M% _5 ^+ n3 V
: x9 r% O* G2 C; A  u: @% i" _如果你尝试在其中特定z值平面内用一个2维测头测量一个3D立体圆锥体.那么探针直径将会影响精度。 1 r0 y1 }. ]/ H6 }+ ?/ N- \
" C4 k5 F+ R! V! ~4 h对精度/重复度/偏差影响的最大的是探针的长度.这是更多复杂的,但一般来说,如果这 1" 长的探针误差为.0003偏差, 2" 长的探针将会是.0006 左右. 相同道理适用于关节臂测头。 从支点到探针顶端的距离越长,你标定的测头偏差越多。还牵涉许多其他的因素,但是探针长度是显然最大的因素。 如果其他因素可控的话
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-11 23:22:22 | 只看该作者
未完待续1 j  U5 |/ C% ^

) l1 l( O& Q& v# M: D7 ^, l回国际化:发展方向不同嘛,你所看必威APP精装版下载人气明显还是比较旺的
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发表于 2009-3-13 21:07:01 | 只看该作者
学英文 又能长知识 不错
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发表于 2009-3-13 22:21:11 | 只看该作者
未完待续1 b( l* ]7 ?- l. s9 Q# }

- R4 v% e; G3 C回国际化:发展方向不同嘛,你所看必威APP精装版下载人气明显还是比较旺的
- U+ H2 f8 @9 ^# Z* u+ n0 H" n吟啸徐行 发表于 2009-3-11 23:22
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