发表于 2009-2-16 17:02:05
摩擦系数的选取是件麻烦的事情,必须得小心考虑实际工况 --(Extreme care is needed in using friction coefficients and additional independent references should be used. For any specific application the ideal method of determining the coefficient of friction is by trials. A short table is included above the main table to illustrate how the coefficient of friction is affected by surface films. When a metal surface is perfectly clean in a vacuum . the friction is much higher than the normal accepted value and seizure can easily occur. )
疑问较多,请大家解答, 1. 若接触材料为铝和不锈钢,而不锈钢表面镀了一层7-10微米的镍层,摩擦系数怎么取?怎样考虑镀层影响? 2. 若接触材料为铝和不锈钢,接触面积很小,近似线接触,接触面间压力还较高,如图(轴向力100牛左右),摩擦系数怎样取? 3. 若接触材料为铝和不锈钢,零件表面洁净度非常高----装配环境为class100的无尘室,摩擦系数?
[本帖最后由 easylife 于 2009-2-16 17:06 编辑] |