摘要: ' A0 M0 M8 H% a! i对十字轴在转矩传递中的受力情况有限元分析和结构优化,提出了圆锥滚子轴承在十字包中的应用,改善十字万向联轴器承载附加载荷的能力,改变十字轴轴向的冲击影响,对于提高十字万向联轴器的传动效率,延长使用寿命等有重要得意义。7 M0 v: o: x$ j. y" p; } 关键词:十字轴 有限元 结构优化 圆锥滚子轴承 6 w7 p2 E# L% D7 w; w+ | pABSTRACT: The status of the journal cross to transfer torque is analyzed by FEA and the structure optimized. To raise the tapered roller bearing is used in the journal cross assembly, improve the carrying capacity of the universal shaft for the additional loads,8 c" l' I4 c) o+ F0 J KEYWORDS: Journal cross FEA Structure optimization Tapered roller bearing |