
标题: CAD常用英语 [打印本页]

作者: 宝贝柯言    时间: 2020-5-18 17:25
标题: CAD常用英语
投影 projection; X. c  W8 I1 g& V
投影中心center of projection# ?9 G% j  r4 v; A
投影面projecting plane$ G% I/ l3 F4 d/ w6 Z
投影线projecting line
  b, `6 K% O# ]( N中心投影法perspective projection
5 _  i9 w$ }: a2 B/ y7 E0 L  k% e平行投影法parallel projection; U& H7 ~8 K- l2 k% ^* N0 H
斜投影oblique projection
+ L  z! G$ W# W; A8 t( }3 d7 x! P" Q正投影orthographic projection
+ |0 B0 |+ S$ q' @. ^5 J正投影面frontal plane of projection
. \9 j% u5 @4 p2 J侧面投影面profile plane of projection
3 d6 B8 t2 V! v7 [) V1 q1 T投影图projection drawing
: u. }) V0 z2 y8 j三面投影图three-plane projection drawing" e7 T; T) F: v1 ~% A$ m
投影轴axis of projection- a: G# a8 Y5 f9 S
投影特性characteristic of projection) s4 q+ I5 q: J; G1 n
不变性characteristic of true
) I5 M( p8 B$ g0 V- {2 D3 b积聚性characteristic of concentration
& Q% b6 Q: d: H7 @* \, d1 u( [/ c类似性characteristic of similarity7 b* Q9 E+ u4 l9 N: ~/ j
- u3 T, P9 z9 k( n( E6 Z  A. }三视图three-view drawing4 c$ U  u* p) C0 {+ o
正面frontal plane1 I. v) M" d' A" G* A
正面投影frontal projection
4 {  ], D: p  A$ J/ I/ |7 d水平面horizontal plane
6 p  ~/ H1 X9 B* q9 @+ Y: R" U水平投影horizontal projection
  H! F0 @' k, H& `. J5 c; C侧面profile plane9 L% W- x3 H4 A2 H2 k
侧面投影profile projection
7 A% L, P5 P8 I0 E主视图frontal view4 k2 |% h9 x' U- [2 @
俯视图top view9 f, e. r1 N& O% B
左视图left side view* o0 j2 C( P) S+ S
立体solid  F! i, H  e% Q
平面立体plane body" f, v) o* p. W6 M% C/ K2 C- ~5 t
曲面立体body of curved surface
  c( h, j- o6 Y8 m5 K回转面surface of revolution
7 q9 S4 v/ _; T& f: p2 @9 Y棱柱prism6 {& z5 G' V) T: n! s( i# K
9 Y6 _) @2 k' K, Q2 `1 y" y' M5 v边side
0 R4 G" Q9 X: ~' D$ ~, d2 }& v顶点center vertex
# P' Y, u+ L1 {( [棱edge; l) \" ?$ S1 l. L8 l; D" i
点point" G- Y7 }& P3 G& M$ @5 w
直线line straight line8 t0 ~7 z1 ^, F6 P. _
棱锥台truncated pyramid/ C6 \' _, h( d" O: k2 }
frustum of pyramid
$ S9 I; y4 X( g1 [重影coincidence of projection$ N# {$ w' {$ W/ X6 b/ {9 F
7 G2 H) n/ i; K# `5 K7 |变形deformation
. R5 n% L4 L; o. \, S* |实长true length 5 Y, Z; m3 h) H0 K4 I4 c" l
实形true shape& C" k/ M' a" [/ Z) I5 c
正平线frontal line7 H! M& d; b0 `7 B$ x
水平线horizontal line
8 h0 e7 l, N+ |+ R7 w& X: d侧平线profile line8 v) x2 H( l, [- E
一般位置直线oblique line0 K& [3 A; e  _: m
铅垂线vertical line, frontal-profile line
( K' O' }) E+ U- z$ W2 X正垂线horizontal--profile line% O* p) }3 g1 Y) C: v0 l* |
侧垂线frontal-horizontal line) F8 K: h5 _- N2 R
一般位置平面oblique plane
* O! A  a2 `5 r相交intersection( s1 t! k( z; U+ s
平行parallel; Y3 K! \8 I( a6 C% [/ K* V
垂直perpendicular/ k/ E) k4 ~: t- d4 T
交线intersecting line, line of intersection
; o* D" b5 x- `$ ^- A5 M交点point of intersection
7 o7 T; o8 W4 }; r' f. e平行线parallel line7 s8 v: {! L% L. p5 J* G) Q
垂直线perpendicular line4 j& [$ d6 w" ^# z) v. H& s% |" t9 u
交叉线skew line9 c2 i! w( ?% Q0 Y. Q" i, U2 O
长度length , T. K9 c& K0 h
宽度width! W( u, _) d. z. S" ]( m  m
( L/ r' j9 m( A* |& V组合体complex) k4 n7 C+ V0 w. M
基本几何体basic body2 U5 ~5 q' l1 N8 U
相接built-up+ _: {2 w2 N9 j, h2 P1 g! D
相交inter section
0 N+ L8 ~8 J+ Q  I5 {/ O9 I2 l相切tangent
# a2 f3 b! l9 v' X相贯penetration
( v- S) V; b7 u5 L$ @支架brace
  q  ]  J& o7 K8 h底板bottom board* t: s1 z( X, c8 J
肋rib) F. U* E0 y2 D2 w% |
支承板bearing plate0 P: _& Q7 K$ p* N* q9 x( r; x
轮廓线outline, contour line
6 V4 E: D/ h4 w' P7 a4 e& w底图traced drawing# Y, c/ r5 n+ ?3 \# _! I) Y" a( r
截平面cutting plane% I8 G- F) S% r' b% {
截交线line of section' }# Z0 ]7 W  s
二重性dual nature
7 k% M( F/ R: T7 u1 |4 E平面曲线plane curve
/ E3 f9 q# p  y( M圆弧arc
- x  U; ~* f( o* H, g3 _3 g! R椭圆ellipse6 b* r; J8 V; [( J) F- L( W
长轴major axis7 l8 x* x; D& O6 N
短轴minor axis5 v* q3 I* i) l- X
* l' H2 r, R& i1 h' d3 s1 y! d抛物线parabola
2 j8 e6 U1 O" b& k" m3 z" v! X4 q圆circle' s4 |8 \# J7 o* c
圆锥顶conic apex , [3 b- l5 u6 n: r1 y# {( l! \
相贯体intersecting bodies
( I0 t/ @* ~6 x相贯线line of intersection
. N+ {5 z  @1 X* |% y" {空间曲线space curve
% e5 {) K" Y1 ?6 t' ]截平面方法cutting plane method
' k9 w" v- }* @* U. C: q* s: D7 b辅助面auxiliary surface5 u; e2 x* z/ w: O
辅助平面auxiliary plane
+ g- T" L; V) R: C% S3 n, d最高点culminating point
7 d0 S5 k8 X- @9 b7 W尺寸Size( _3 s, h8 S& G: |0 |! X% f0 e2 D
定形尺寸size dimension
: d8 ~+ U2 [, k0 x3 K定位尺寸location dimension4 j' r! e& ~" w
左视图right view
; u, t! ?% I+ ?* i0 w后视图rear view, back view
$ r3 ]$ j: h) S5 T3 N9 v- i  t, \仰视图bottom view4 W) ?- y* `  M4 E7 O
辅助图auxiliary view
( G+ E, g) N3 [( s4 y局部视图partial view, broken view
- U! U8 l" P4 \; K4 g  f斜视图oblique view
- N' M% S" z, K# A) o旋转视图revolved view, aligned view* R& e9 p1 w1 l3 |% _2 H
剖视图sectional view, section8 A5 }- j5 ?$ |5 ?9 v
全剖视full section" E& T0 q  @/ N) k3 n# H& l% k
半剖视half section0 a5 k/ i8 ~) E! Q" a" p
局部剖视图partial section, broken-out section
% Q9 ?3 H' `, {: q" D: [- m# I斜剖视图oblique section
2 m( G3 i* r" g5 z7 A旋转剖视图aligned section& v: @: |; q1 u6 A+ Z* r6 f2 j
阶梯剖视echelon section, offset section' @  p: k6 k3 y
复合剖视compound section7 O% X3 ?! K" u2 n( L
剖面图section, sectional view
6 F$ T4 G: _! m2 o7 R重合剖面coincide section, revolved section
9 E* S! g) E3 P" T. ]% A+ L移出剖面removed section* P: A& _7 b$ J6 s
剖面线section line- R: y& ^2 Z7 j, }/ m9 P' ]
剖面符号symbols for section-lining* k9 m% w: [0 C; X, H1 {8 z
习惯画法conventional drawing' w- ~' x8 q0 j* M3 A5 Z
局部放大图 drawing of partial enlargement
  O/ G, H4 N! z3 @7 R9 ?零件图detail drawing, working drawing! R3 H& Q2 s# g1 ~7 l% t8 c  x' ?
第三角投影third angle projection# n2 \- _" K3 o  i
粗实线continuous thick line, full line, visible line
- M% a. P- P8 V& W) p细实线continuous thin line
) Q: r9 B" F; b, u2 M' o8 Q虚线dot line, dashed line, hidden line
1 y) ~  l3 B- d- ?1 Z. A4 G点划线dash and dot line
" e& a8 k! U8 P/ Q双点划线double dots line/ ]' K/ v0 q# ?% t; M% M& Z
波浪线break line
# _9 |4 |% B$ @; U断裂线# c' o* f# J7 T- V9 _5 w4 D8 U& G* X
剖切平面迹线cutting plane line
7 v: b) g' S- Y0 C尺寸线dimension line
7 e& t5 _& e2 a; x: c* X尺寸界线extension tine! V& X- h0 ^# Y
尺寸dimension size) k1 {3 r; q5 p/ v' ?
箭头arrowhead8 t; E  L; l0 c1 D* M! E. P
. I5 x- O" R( M" x9 t/ Z  ~! T基准线datum line. q( B8 u: m: e6 Q! K5 z$ z& m) @
基准面datum plane
5 R0 {: H% X$ B中心孔central hole( `/ f0 H' ?1 k$ G
中心距center distance
# z2 u& b" V6 n$ B轴shaft, axle
3 D; Q8 E8 F* @1 O孔hole
. n* J0 y' ]" U" O% e+ Z斜孔inclination) ^- P: L( O+ t5 x
装配图assembly drawing+ W5 X% |4 B) ~8 u8 Q% l
性能尺寸characteristic dimension
$ C% Z; r: E4 c7 |大小尺寸size dimension# p; N3 `0 _5 Y2 x% B; `8 W( B
总体尺寸outer dimension' }8 J% S  c7 B# ^1 Q! G. Z$ d
& M6 ?& M& w3 C/ {  b: s. m配合尺寸fit dimension
! l  ?: U0 I+ R! E) _( B. V. g+ R- a内圆角fillet2 @! E* M% y, x$ f2 D. h
  S! M; Z1 p% H  w尖角sharp corner2 u( O$ @" o! j9 {& N# x' |' \
倒角chamfer/ F8 U7 d/ D" m3 W& ^! t4 g# O$ P# c
轮缘flange of wheel$ \* x7 h/ }8 h* w0 J
缘、边、环rim. y8 l" Y( K6 X6 X
轴肩shoulder' M. n9 o1 I% a0 U8 w* C
凸台boss+ x  K- P9 C; G$ L7 Q! F( {
凹坑concave pit- K. g; q2 }& i$ ?) C
轴颈shaft neck
# g1 G" u* o7 ^, O, n: F- q, l轮毂hub, a( C: I$ i! ]" B" _) t, ^7 i  p& }
轮辐spoke, spoke of wheel
8 U! K: {% P. k) `- `* m直纹滚花straight knurling s
+ L* [9 [9 Y+ d# D( N# _网纹滚花hatching knurling
) A( ^) c3 V& E$ B! k8 ]键槽key-way
" e/ d1 Z4 [6 Q, J7 O: f: P退刀槽escape5 O7 O) d3 ], |1 o' [& ^5 J! p
拔模斜度pattern draft2 ^8 F2 y1 g+ {4 e% _( q  h
填料盒gland box# x" @4 Z8 G4 p" E4 c  e
油槽oil groove
5 V# A/ V1 \& K5 r油封oil seal
6 `7 R) [' w5 C& ~5 Y6 ?0 Q标准件standard parts% Z7 V  C+ L, I1 _$ P5 @  Q
螺纹thread1 ~4 u( J5 _: Q: A# j& A
外螺纹external thread/ N( v3 `* V) A8 T
内螺纹internal thread$ d" e3 ?2 `8 g: x; `  n
大径major diameter
; }0 {: [- C2 r9 H$ r( ^, d小径minor diameter" |5 W" d2 g; o& P/ W# {, V% I7 M# z+ O
螺距pitch of thread) e: P7 B) w7 Z: `0 @4 M6 E4 h
牙型form of thread1 _4 D* i: f6 ^2 A7 {9 {$ ~/ Z4 ?9 k
旋向direction of turning+ a: L/ a5 n) b* h" G- T5 N
右旋螺纹right-hand thread
/ W2 @# ?* P: q. ]2 N0 V. Z左旋螺纹left-hand thread
5 L" z' Q8 G" B/ Y头数number of thread4 l: x4 D+ g+ F( r$ Y
导程lead3 i5 d1 q" a: L. r# H7 [
粗牙coarse thread1 ^; r  }4 n! K1 O* P* C
细牙fin thread
% E# c, y, @( s$ h螺栓bolt
( b" {# V9 f8 n螺钉screw6 o  r9 B/ e( R) R$ G. A
( Z8 \; s+ r$ E: ]螺母nut3 A; V' J4 j& D
垫片washer8 k, M; T, y* l" `5 L: o6 ~
; Y5 D9 L, ]+ R, ?公差带tolerance zone
1 h* r" \7 y; I( H" _零线zero line- U, [' b9 h) y( W& C: D) l
标准公差standard tolerance( f. b* V$ y1 U. g9 O! j
公差等级tolerance grade! n6 a* Y# M. K: v7 i. ]/ B
基本偏差fundamental deviation
/ @, d2 J- u9 Q1 U1 ]7 k2 G* G配合fit3 P# d7 t/ G( Z5 p3 b
间隙配合clearance fit
! [) A7 ?. I5 ^+ h过盈interference
$ E5 N& _6 z5 ]- P/ s% Y过盈配合interference fit
! p+ y8 e9 W( g3 y  d过渡配合transition fit" s) {. p- P. _! h* c
基孔制hole-basic system of fits 9 s+ M' L/ C( `% Z
基轴制shaft-basic system of fits
' m0 }" H$ f' G5 S间隙clearance  v( S  u5 M# n% C/ Y
形状公差tolerance in form, form tolerance- O1 T6 w+ e: F
直线度straightness) f6 p, Q" f" S- `1 U  ?. Y, b1 @
5 U# o6 A1 a6 G- a+ g! D! t/ [圆度roundness0 X/ N' v3 ]7 I( [
! N5 t; P# c6 o  t0 F' L线轮廓度profile of any line
6 b5 F/ ~: i% s/ I$ u  b面轮廓度profile of any plane' I8 @$ g; m. n/ q+ R2 y  ~
位置公差tolerance in position, position tolerances
# k( J- Z& s, M: X+ v& U: Z- F平行度 parallelism
9 r4 ~+ C! g- Y, w% [+ X齿轮gear
. G- W: g  v  ]: q. K圆柱齿轮cylindrical gear' S( O. f$ R$ Q$ Y" u6 ~  t
正齿轮spur gear
" k8 }# n) ]3 a" j* O7 U' L: O* i7 T斜齿轮spiral gear+ a. K2 p# K! r9 }: `, q3 ?
轮齿gear tooth. ^% o0 ]+ d# a
节圆pitch circle
  s1 z  \* ?" b5 q齿顶圆addendum circle, outside circle6 N4 |& L- ?% Q  X
齿根圆root circle, addendum circle5 B1 I; ~3 p& V/ M5 q
- ?9 [. z/ D4 B' n齿数number of teeth; t8 }1 [. Z$ `" I3 T
齿高tooth height
' j: R8 Q4 O; j) T2 f9 l( N齿顶高height of addendum) s+ z* W9 k5 e% f5 d) `
齿根高height of addendum
- S  p- X9 Q) `6 g! o齿厚circular thickness1 [$ m: v5 s8 X7 C
齿间tooth space/ A/ }5 {" N# o- R1 |& J
齿宽tooth width
# J# R: z! m. T9 ]+ {5 [压力角angle of pressure
. z) E/ d) @4 S2 O! C2 N* r弹簧spring
& ]+ f; o8 s7 A销pin
5 g/ s* E, J/ u- ~' \圆柱销round pin# a* U" a6 N- b9 p) m- q& f
圆锥销taper pin
& A3 D4 s- K3 H" ]% ?7 i开口销cotter pin, split
" [$ s  J" n* Z5 C+ L) Q0 S1 q0 l* M, n键key8 J6 b0 ~" L4 r) S5 \4 R% d
平键flat key7 ]& w! j) }& T; B1 f8 x( F6 }
半圆键half round key, woodruff key
# ]% p+ Z: E7 L8 Z轴承bearing5 ]" Q* v. X5 h' A0 q5 n
滚动轴承rolling bearing
% U8 \$ ^* @1 c; l向心铀承radial bearing  Y; h1 n" E7 `8 Y' U# c
密封装置sealing equipment4 @' l1 b& G* o4 U2 J
锁紧装置locking equipment% U0 T% ?3 k5 i: v4 Q
粗糙度roughness% B9 ~: f% A' }4 @# r3 }! c/ [
基本尺寸basic size
) G- W3 [7 |: @' p实际尺寸actual size
) t* R* d3 k% P6 d极限尺寸limits size+ B3 r' T7 p: ?3 M6 W
最大极限尺寸maximum limit of size
5 W% r; U# T3 z+ {. B8 [7 _* @最小极限尺寸minimum limit of size
% S" w5 `% D/ I3 [- |0 V8 A6 b偏差deviation7 q1 V4 w# [! S' Q! B" h5 t
上偏差upper deviation
' ^$ p# L7 T" g6 b下偏差lower deviation
( Q! o! T: r2 `% _垂直度perpendicularity
* J# [1 q1 x) o7 c倾斜度angularity4 m6 k+ P8 W, L7 Y5 T
7 l2 \/ f  @, x0 c+ w+ I& R+ _( f对称度symmetry
) y7 u  Z) F8 z0 e- F7 U4 ]( F) v# h位置度true position
" l) d1 ]9 Q9 d8 K( l- J; u1 V% c跳动run-out3 \3 u. L# B* u5 \$ L
圆跳动cycle run-out
' M/ S$ @: E8 g+ J全跳动total run-out
  R6 k4 {; e# E# _/ E& I4 p4 X7 ^轴测投影axonometric projection
- I& q) }  u" c% U4 J轴测投影面plane of axonometric projection) E( s) }' s8 s  y' t3 q6 f
轴测图axonometric drawing, Y, J! D) u2 B  w0 c/ d2 y
正等轴测投影isometric projection; `9 H/ m( A$ R% `  d' m. h. F+ Z
正二测bimetric projection# a2 H& m( {3 k& a
斜二测oblique bimetric projection# U' y) K# }) s7 I
轴测轴axonometric axis$ W' P  g' b& Q" P9 y1 z% ^
轴间角axis angle, angle between ales
2 U2 g4 g" m! {缩短foreshortened
/ G4 n: `0 F; ?轴向缩短率coefficient of axial
' ]& K4 _( @* G8 U2 Y0 S) U- _( Q7 Xdeformation ratio of
# X4 r4 ?8 s8 m9 q% ^3 o' nfore shortening for any axis( T" `7 {* ]4 p
切割法cutting method, by cutting3 e5 [; ^/ B, m" C
方箱法boxing method
8 L' S, P* q$ Y( Y0 ]坐标法coordinate method  p6 j3 }9 P# P, }8 b- t6 }5 i
方框法enclosing-square method- a1 U" J% O% N! U( D* I
四心近似法four-center approximate metho
$ N9 D, H5 i# G: R$ a. X0 w/ j

作者: 晓昀    时间: 2020-5-18 20:03
作者: 杯里月光    时间: 2020-5-19 08:09
4 l# K# n: \* V0 l  x& L; ]* `8 ]# S
作者: 2011ayoon    时间: 2020-5-19 12:51
作者: 远祥    时间: 2020-5-19 20:12
作者: hzdhk    时间: 2020-7-17 15:08
作者: szx7    时间: 2020-8-18 15:21
Thanks for your sharing!* |, K: d5 e! k; G; O& a

作者: 起风了pkb    时间: 2020-9-2 14:27
收藏3 k$ ?( o% z2 Q8 b

作者: jkwjbvjwb    时间: 2021-3-27 08:26

$ @. w7 i5 j  Y+ t感谢楼主分享

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