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发表于 2010-1-26 13:53:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
http://www.jxcad.com.cn/read.php?tid-1060152.html' Y- h  P; f& b

( n6 B' D0 B' N8 j  U9 e: U, ]
9 C; k, z: a+ k+ B- K2 c( G上面是原帖子地址,下面是各位朋友的解答。请求大家帮忙。% X9 h1 x6 h" y7 I7 Q$ ^# u1 ?

& {& ?2 m! g! K4 T5 O/ z. g1 C
顶楼:What's the meaning of "copper flash finish"?  r. ~4 ]5 z2 ~, \; p5 V: [. I
          Please kindly help me translate the surface treatment of the gears, "copper flash finish".
! Z# w, B7 P, n9 zThank you in advance.9 N% c; e4 ?" d5 W! p: R/ H

2 X/ A) F4 X6 X
( M$ k' F2 d& D5 S
二楼:根据字面的理解应该是表面镀铜;I think! u& C# T! Y7 \& i3 i
4 H8 P, U6 D" F
再提供一点讯息:Our products are supplied in various finishedlikeBluing,Blackening, Zinc, Copper, Nickel, Chromes & CadmiumPlating,as perthe requirements of our customers.. K5 I' R% A" ~5 ~

( p' ~7 j' C# E& lForprotectionagainstcorrosion, zinc plated finish is available as astandardextra.Passivation is a surface treatment which further improvesthecorrosionresistance of the plated film but because of itsyellowirridescentfinish may not be suitable for some decorativeapplications.For decorative effect a copper flash finish may be applied
4 i" l, w* V; K# E$ J5 T/ `
+ l9 M7 e  j$ u: p5 }" u: D是铜的溅射喷镀(表面)处理
6 N* X- G3 ]9 \$ y) k8 o9 M, w6 X+ J0 ?
三楼 闪镀 flash(flash plate) 电时间极短产生薄层的电镀。
. U# l/ {$ y2 U! U按上述,可否理解为闪镀铜/ p6 ^) S  Y9 z& [& {3 [# n

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