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moderate degree of abstinence

发表于 2011-7-9 15:59:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
and which is essentially the practice at tbe present time, is as follows: — " as boon," says he, •» as the signs of small-pox show themselves, i keep the sick from the open air, and forbid them the use ef wine and flesh, and allow them small beer, gently warmed with a toast, for their ordinary drink; and now and then i allow them to drink as much of it as they will. I order thera, for Ugg Boots Clearance therr victuals, oatmeal and barley broth, and roasted ap¬ples, and other things which axe neither hot no* eold, nor too hard of digestion. I forthwith prohibit a hotter regimen, and the use of all manner of cor¬dial medicines; for i hare more than once observed, in young people of a sanguine complexion, that a hot aaurrh or ieflaensa begin to make their appearance in your family, such u hoarseness, drowsiness, lan¬guor, pain in the limbs, bead, chest, or bach, slight cough, difficulty of breathing, the eyes slightly in¬flamed, with sa abundant discharge from

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