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[adams] adams常用快捷键

发表于 2011-12-19 08:27:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Display Operations
! V" e* D) [! U; w7 vViewing Operations
' ^1 x. b0 j/ F% qTable 3. Display Operation Shortcuts0 Z; z+ k- e4 `: }
To display: Select:: Y. A* [% i: i. G
Command window F3
6 R# E5 K. d9 P- SCoordinate window F4- e, Y( w9 {- t8 K  Z( [+ @0 O
Menu Builder F57 k7 D: q# L1 q  f
Dialog Box Builder F6: q8 g2 U6 S% X* G
Working grid g
& K+ u3 m* Z1 e1 j: pPlotting window F8
0 T4 b: ~; J# ^Help window F1: B% }6 W# r# H8 ]+ Q
Table 4. Viewing Operation Shortcuts; _9 c/ j2 Q' P+ Q" r" x
To: Select:
, x  I3 ]' i. ]* G# b4 g, bRotate view in the XY directions r
6 c! }: r( x# s4 BRotate view in the Z direction s (lowercase)
7 o2 t$ I: U9 }5 s+ LTranslate view t2 _, U4 X& R2 Q. i+ F. _3 p
Change perspective depth d. |$ D) W/ v6 e6 T1 k- [! r" n
Dynamically zoom view z
; Q/ {* n! E: R) ~Use dynamic increment Shift. ]3 Y) e& t5 J7 G
" i/ Z3 z, W7 n) F- E3 x$ [" C1 dEdit Operations
8 N8 M8 m8 f. NTable 1. File Operation Shortcuts% i4 G' V/ O" b$ m2 M. V
To: Select:) ~9 ~9 I0 ^  I& b! W; n
Create a new modeling database Ctrl + n6 w1 w  N( w  ~  @1 M" x. N; }
Open an existing modeling database Ctrl + o/ l! B) A% X; r, T: w1 E) ~* G
Save the current modeling database Ctrl + s
5 U; z5 K' d- v$ m1 ~1 l7 {- U' j- }& TPrint Ctrl + p; H6 u! K; o3 X7 W' h0 I& i
Read command file F2
+ C! d$ `7 v; KExit Ctrl + q5 U5 D- E6 N/ m0 V) g. C, z7 G( I2 A
Table 2. Edit Operation Shortcuts3 W$ S( Z$ t  L" A# @% M
To: Select:
; f4 n& D% E. n: vUndo the last operation Ctrl + z5 E7 r+ l  p' R" y+ |0 E
Redo the last undone operation Ctrl- Shift + z% i* y2 d9 P# V( [/ p
Copy objects Ctrl + c
3 C. }' l! K% @' H  [Paste text in text boxes in dialog boxes and as comments Ctrl + v: X) }  Q& S  I' y
Cut text from text boxes in dialog boxes Ctrl + x
& e( w1 ]$ ?7 C. A; Y' Z  V' [8 K) y5 }Delete selected object Del
& F4 u5 H' [. B' yModify object Ctrl + e$ U  c: m: _+ {1 Y# i9 Y
Escape operation Esc2 F" V* h) e, F  Z' t  ~

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