`6 @2 g; ~: b& g 以前俺说过,欣赏两种人,一种是每天拼命往前跑的,另外一种是真正的‘随遇而安者’,俺周围这两种人都有,都可以很好生活的,哈哈, ( ]% F* j! R9 P w 1 @6 G4 l/ L! h9 D$ G 98年,俺回到原来的工厂去办事儿,见到以前的室友,他就是那种随遇而安的家伙,脱产学过俄文,学过各种东西,俺那时都羡慕,他就感觉‘没出路’,俺就一句话,移民加国,7000块R你总有吧,一年多以后,带全家走了,现在回来做买办了,挺好的,什么都有了,这就是随遇而安,: h* l1 r! X3 ]; ?( V* b
8 ]. ?% U7 n1 N- J1 ?
俺周围有些在外资6万月薪的,就是20年不挪窝,踏踏实实上班,熬年头,到时候了,你也啥都有, 0 N; F2 g" _& b6 {7 o 7 ]: ^ f' h% V7 i' @ 为什么看许多家伙就是根本没出路的,那就是‘两头都不靠’,给你个东西你玩玩看?不灵光吧?你踏踏实实做点事务性工作能安心?也不能吧,就是啥都不靠,飘在水面上, . R& Z; A- Q" a3 N- |4 {& ?. [ N6 }5 d, E, b8 G
讲安心,俺衡量过世界许多城市,比如匹兹堡,适合工作与生活,有大型公司的各个总部,玩的东西也多,从钢铁到机械,到幕墙公司都有,有些城市就小了,比如密尔沃基,玩重装备的,卡特与小松的厂子比邻而居,也算世界顶尖水平的了, & i3 D3 X' l3 r' q3 B: r ( }- V$ ?- E3 `: s- g6 X* U9 Q 再比如加国的汉密尔顿与密西沙家,密西沙家的大公司就多,也是属于可以随遇而安的地方,走QEW就可以去多伦多,挺好的, 7 j& S( q" |$ r: G. p # Q2 d N6 K) \ 俺跟许多家伙说,为什么选择北京,就是北京不会埋没你,吴士宏是打针的护士,盖茨不会管这些,你行也用你,你玩不好,也一样轰走,俺认识好几个类似的女士,现在都是外资的高管,有些早年就是饭店里客房部叠床单的,哈哈, 6 M: y' o8 k6 q" |: L% x- [) y. l/ N# n7 Y
好几个首席代表以前都是工厂看仓库的,怎么了,没啥啊,你行你就玩,俺说过多次,北京不是上海,这就是区别,7 o4 i Z, v; K
2 S" t1 c5 M# i/ y! `
你就是踏踏实实念你书,干你的事情,一定会有人找你玩东西的,俺就这体会,俺玩过航空的许多东西,玩过大建筑的东西,就是人家找俺玩的,俺也没有去求过人家,就是想求,也未必找得到庙门,哈哈,+ | i" X9 q2 U& e# k: j' i, _/ _$ C
2 V' L; B# Z/ |4 {; E2 ~, O7 u作者: wxjwxj 时间: 2015-12-22 11:43
沙发作者: jason6 时间: 2015-12-22 11:46
就踏踏实实的往前走,定能找到自己的天空。作者: zh750vp520 时间: 2015-12-22 11:53
不断学习作者: qianglong 时间: 2015-12-22 11:56
一直在看书,一直向前走,总会好的作者: houbaomin0620 时间: 2015-12-22 11:57
深信八爷说的,安心读书,好好给人家做事。有了好的读书基础才能做好人家给你的东西,才能信任你,人家找你是看的你的技能,而不是单单是人,努力按八爷说的道路走下去,在鬼子那里坚持挺下去。作者: 没事磨刀 时间: 2015-12-22 11:58
一直这样做,现在这样做,还是这样做,好象没出息,哈哈!作者: pengzhiping 时间: 2015-12-22 12:00 本帖最后由 pengzhiping 于 2015-12-22 12:02 编辑 % ]; Z7 V1 T' l 6 n' O8 o. ?9 y f谢谢!受教了!每天抱怨不公平没有出路,踏实的学好知识,一定会能爬的更高!作者: 海鹏.G 时间: 2015-12-22 12:05
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: 1518517222 时间: 2015-12-22 12:25
这一点珠三角就好很多,我认识的两个初中没毕业画模具的,人家虽然不懂什么力学微积分,但是画模具就是比周围那些本科硕士厉害!当时我也不服!作者: 人大太犬 时间: 2015-12-22 12:30
大侠,我读交流控制,觉的比直流难多了,先期不理解的东西好多,只好死记硬背了。磁的部分懂的太少了,学交流机就是硬伤啊。作者: 爱猫人士薛定谔 时间: 2015-12-22 12:33
如果没有8爷以及必威体育网址各位大侠的指点,我可能早就被周围的“差不多就行了”,“随便搞一下”,“凑活”,“百度一下”给带阴沟里了。接触的人多了,越发觉得只有有基础有数学才是真正的硬道理,还在继续努力,总会有所收获作者: 天水蓝 时间: 2015-12-22 12:37
村子里有些人,就是早上出来,蹲在南墙根晒太阳,天南海北啥都懂闲扯, 顺便抱怨一下老天如何不公,老板如可刻薄,隔壁那个sb那么卖力气挣不了几个钱,有啥用, 等等。 然后回家喝粥吃咸菜, 下午接着出来晒着太阳,择虱子。 2 n1 U. I7 U% k( z作者: 一路一路 时间: 2015-12-22 12:42
大侠的意思是北京是英雄不问出处,你行你就上,而上海就是要先看学历看业绩再论其他吗? # N; \( Q! E# V7 z" e1 j3 e% d像我这种本科在上海是不是得事倍而功半。作者: feibiaoshebei 时间: 2015-12-22 12:43
努力,共勉作者: walyem 时间: 2015-12-22 12:47
昨天翻了下笔记,居然看了那么多书,而笔记上基本都不记得了。碰到急的就抓耳挠腮的,发现很多东西好理解,用起来就难.作者: 爱猫人士薛定谔 时间: 2015-12-22 13:17
http://www.astm.org/DIGITAL_LIBRARY/JOURNALS/JAI/PAGES/JAI13069.htm , U6 s# A1 r! H5 A$ ] A9 S1 D' A$ ^ z2 O& |
Influence of Cold Rolling Threads Before or After Heat Treatment on the Fatigue Resistance of High Strength Fine Thread Bolts for Multiple Preload Conditions 6 c4 z+ l; s- f6 C8 @& L + v j* [ x7 \6 D5 ^5 p' RAbstract $ [, }; B$ a/ x- a `& N, GSI class 12.9 high strength steel bolts were used to investigate the fatigue behavior of bolt threads rolled before/after heat treatment at five different preload values. Bolts used were 3/8 UNRF-24 (fine) and preloads were taken as 1, 50, 75, 90, and 100 % of roll before heat treatment proof stress. Since proof stress was lowered 10 % for roll after heat treatment, these preloads for roll after heat treatment bolts were then actually 1.1, 55, 83, 100, and 110 % of proof stress (to keep load the same). The tests produced a range of R ratios (R=Smin/Smax) between 0.03 and 0.92. Maximum near surface residual compressive stresses, obtained via x-ray diffraction, ranged from −500 to −1000 MPa. Axial loads were applied through the nut and all fatigue failures occurred at the first thread of the nut/bolt interface with crescent shaped cracks dominating in most tests. Multiple ratchet marks (separate crack nucleation sites) occurred for roll before heat treatment bolts, while fewer or no ratchet marks, were evident for the roll after heat treatment. Scanning electron microscopy evaluation indicated all fatigue crack growth regions contained multiple fatigue facets, while final fracture regions contained ductile dimpling. Cyclic creep/ratcheting was monitored and little, or none, was observed for preload tests equal to or less than 75 %. Replication data indicated a log-normal distribution on life was very reasonable. The fatigue resistance for fine threads rolled after heat treatment with preload stresses of 1 % (R ratio less than 0.05) caused very large increases (158 %) in 107 cycles fatigue strength compared to roll before heat treatment. This is in agreement with other roll before/after low R-ratio results. The roll after heat treatment bolts when tested at the higher proof loads had 107 fatigue strengths of 69 to 30 % increase. These increases are much less than the 158 % at 1 % preload, but still significant. Constant life Haigh diagrams at 105 and 107 cycles were in qualitative agreement with VDI 2230 bolt preload guidelines. ( ?2 d* l- E; J, o/ @9 a % Q6 H. V5 W/ k2 |因为没法下载,也不清楚这种12.9级高强螺栓用的什么材料,1 g5 l! p6 q _) q
' ^. w; ~% O& I+ E, g5 h
如果我要描述我手上现有的某种材料(线材)的这方面性能,但又没有将其制成成品的条件,是否可以做某种试样,在上面进行您说的冷作,做两组对比上试验机作者: 初涉池中 时间: 2015-12-22 13:50
很好的文章作者: 活得精神 时间: 2015-12-22 14:17
默默的给个赞作者: hai9053 时间: 2015-12-22 14:30
受教了,好好干事作者: shaokuang 时间: 2015-12-22 14:36
正好35岁,还有希望吗?作者: zerowing 时间: 2015-12-22 15:03