
标题:solidworksPLM插件简介:Enovia v6 [打印本页]

作者:寂静天花板 时间:2014-10-11 08:23
标题:solidworksPLM插件简介:Enovia v6
ENOVIA解决方案有一系列功能支持生产效率的提高,产品和流程优化,以及全机构功效的提高。 - [ ?2 K- M7 g3 ?* P
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6 V! u8 E! S6 F. `2 v! oENOVIA有2个平台分别是:ENOVIA V5与ENOVIA V6。ENOVIA也区分为:服务端与客户端,ENOVIA服务端属于PLM生命周期数据管理软件,而ENOVIA客户端是属于CATIA软件里面的几个项目模块。 & V" [, o( p1 N2 r( @3 A8 E
! m) Y: z' @. }4 g+ O% H目前ENOVIA V6R2013x经过安装折腾可以挂SolidWorks 2013。必须安装包主要有:ENOVIA V6核心服务端、SW插件服务端、SW插件客户端、DSLS许可管理、以及(Oracle、db2、MS SQL) 任意1个数据库、JAVA 、Tomcat网页服务器、这7部分(缺一不可),当然还要装SW软件。 & j; [ H- H$ j+ @
最新版V6R2014x改名为:3DEXPERIENCE,支持SolidWorks 2014版本,并且ENOVIA V6 for SolidWorks连接器已出简体中文。
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作者:寂静天花板 时间:2015-2-4 13:18
最新版V6R2014x ENOVIA V6 for SolidWorks2014 4 A; H. N9 R( P5 n
作者:寂静天花板 时间:2015-2-4 21:14
最新版V6R2014x ENOVIA V6 for SolidWorks2014
7 b3 T& r/ d) c" e http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XODcyNjA4NzI4/v.swf
作者:寂静天花板 时间:2016-3-3 12:08
ENOVIA 2015x for SOLIDWORKS 新增功能 8 s: H$ q7 u/ o2 N4 S/ u# Q
作者:寂静天花板 时间:2016-3-3 21:07
In 2015x, a new feature was added to the command manager in SolidWorks which may be my favorite add on yet; you are able to promote! For those of you who have never used Enovia before (or those that have and know this all too well), in previous versions the user was required to promote outside of SolidWorks. This meant checking out you part, doing your engineering change, checking it back in, going into the web, locating the part again, go to the lifecycle tab, ad promote the part to the next step. In 2015x, Dassault Systemes has now added that functionality directly into the command manager in SolidWorks. I cuts out a chunk of time when promoting a single object. That being said, it only capable of doing that. PROMOTING ONE OBJECT AT A TIME. Be wary of this, it only promotes whatever windows is currently active. If you have an assembly, and have one specific part open, it will only promote that one part. Other than that, this change is greatly welcomed!
5 E9 m# D% S$ k) G! a& P, Y. v R' OEnovia v6 2015的新功能之一
- W1 n' o7 [' ^$ t以前的版本在使用检出命令时,通常是在solidworks之外,单独弹出的网页页面,enovia使用浏览器界面。现在,检出命令被集成在solidworks command 工具栏上。
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Expanded option in a RMB may not sound like a big change, but this little detail can play a pivotal in your everyday user's life. Having more options is always a nice thing. In this case, Enovia has introduced a few new options into the RMB click, but only in a few selected areas. In the past, users where not able to right click on parts in the Where Used and Contains tabs and get many options. It would require the user to either navigate to that part within that window or open the part in a new window all together. When you are digging for a part somewhere deep down in a large assembly, this can be frustrating, typically resulting in numerous windows open or losing your starting point. Now, users can have all the usual RMB options directly from those tabs, making functionality easier for the users. Great example of little details that make a big difference! : _/ N f, K3 C9 f* ?% a
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作者:cb165533083 时间:2018-4-1 10:12

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