
标题: How do you evalute a salesman [打印本页]

作者: 英语小白    时间: 2021-12-15 19:05
标题: How do you evalute a salesman
I'm a mechnical engnieer, and have a little power to choose supplier.It's amusing to evalute a salesman at industry. So I want to share my opnion, maybe we can dusciss some behaviour.
. k3 q9 k$ ^4 I4 g1 x1 kI'm very angry about a salesman today, he can't deal well with about my counterview. He seems very aggressive.
6 c$ o9 o4 n( H, J4 M& l5 VAnd he can't give me a good soulution. So I will replace the salesman's product.( d( s8 W! z: {; h
3 E, Y3 A* I' ?
& i) B% q9 `3 I3 g* G/ l$ n
Whoever the salesman is, I always give them a chance to meet.% Y) F; D8 e% K# ^) l8 ~
And give them at least 10 mins. If they attract my eyes, I will talk with them deeply.
6 i; t: C) `( O: n6 h: d
5 n" p" J2 d1 R6 t9 J+ fThe most important and core thing is solving my problems, or prove them is useful.# z; Q7 o, z$ d  ~) j- b
Many salesman can't reconize this point, and provide a very good error example.
) a6 B- w6 D9 M6 x
5 S3 d  |2 h& Q. W+ P) x  \I want to share my experience about some basic salesman's  amusing things today.
3 z2 R  V# A8 x2 q( A1. Don't consider my needs. : u$ Q6 k: j$ S5 t2 l
They just talk abut their product prefect, and don't ask the costumer's request.
; k( A/ I+ U$ B4 H1 O6 e3 uI always give them my needs twice, if they continue introduce, I will talk some relax topics and can't buy.
2 ]/ e5 u+ O7 m3 ^
* B, x& \/ ?* a2 O. ]4 l# O) \2. Argue with me.
& X$ c$ T6 R9 U) k  ?) C3 b5 y6 MSometimes, They success for the talk, and lost their sales.
" M9 X: t( v3 M4 v0 {I lost my patience, and send them out the door. and never see them.
' u. `2 v' r- oAnother example is too enthusiastic,speak ill of competitor,
$ s: N" A  K" Y) F2 \
4 \2 t7 v  v- P2 [6 k
# s9 Y# ^! }  e, q0 ^6 }
3. young fake old bird
) {, ]0 l' r+ }; vNothing can't approve, and just hear some words, and want give me one dragon service. 2 x, W; H3 Y/ A- L
And give me some choices, It's so difficult to refuse.haha+ |. h/ [8 k, ~" U
He must hope me lost my job.  hahaha
! F. q' s$ s6 {6 s& a8 g1 k
- e6 g8 H' t& c: S% L. ?

" r+ F# |* u; R  @) A4 Y* _% Z) z+ a, n
6 B$ I3 S6 x( M  I
" U0 F( V: x4 r/ [2 Z0 ?3 p  ~

$ x- f' q% g7 w, F" G# \& Z8 o4 K
作者: 80zhu    时间: 2021-12-16 07:56
even though this is chinese english . i can understand you
作者: 朔月123    时间: 2021-12-16 08:16
one dragon service
  s$ P$ F) e- d) E' O) e& N这个是不是太中译英了,one-stop service
作者: 英语小白    时间: 2021-12-16 09:51
80zhu 发表于 2021-12-16 07:56
/ g" C: X( `$ q( ?  W& h* ieven though this is chinese english . i can understand you
+ X: J4 _: a) m: p
Thanks, you have good understanding, outstanding empathy, excellent communicate skills,You must have a successful career!
作者: 英语小白    时间: 2021-12-16 09:58
朔月123 发表于 2021-12-16 08:16
- _- n9 g: x# O! Z. {one dragon service
& _. \1 u6 f" [这个是不是太中译英了,one-stop service
; W/ B$ D5 j( f. p
hahaha, I have no idea to express, You have a horrible abundent knowledge. You are a rich man in soul and other aspects, aren't you?1 c" U4 c, c  }0 j% E  w

作者: xuzele    时间: 2021-12-16 11:16
作者: 英语小白    时间: 2021-12-16 11:52
xuzele 发表于 2021-12-16 11:16
. t$ l' [+ U5 f3 @楼主想表达:我见过龙,我被一条龙服务过
# E4 v* U" n1 g; [
作者: 零分贝大卫    时间: 2021-12-16 12:25
朔月123 发表于 2021-12-16 08:16: y- o+ N& M, T
one dragon service
7 h- N4 ~9 D( \9 L( Z这个是不是太中译英了,one-stop service
+ P4 S6 {2 @$ ~2 y$ K- S
也是没谁了 。 one package service。+ A* l# F3 L  w5 T! ^/ @( w

作者: 非标机械设计奔小跑    时间: 2021-12-16 13:46
一句话    来服务我

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