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工程材料 今日: 2 |主题: 7405|排名: 125 

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预览 国标与日标的区别 mhcagsl 2010-5-14 01981 mhcagsl 2010-5-14 12:40
预览 高分子复合材料技术带来设备维修的新理念 micava 2010-4-10 32900 张春燕 2010-5-13 21:06
预览 16MnD A350LF2的汉语翻译是什么? spring1986610 2010-5-13 11989 wugqtop 2010-5-13 14:40
预览 Ni23.4% Cu48.7% Zn25.6%这是一种什么材料? wzhw 2010-5-13 01389 wzhw 2010-5-13 14:23
预览 金属材料的使用性能.doc attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-11 11489 dkeyiduo 2010-5-13 13:14
预览 GB-T221-2000钢铁产品牌号表示方 ... /comparasion of JIS and other s ... attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-11 21731 dkeyiduo 2010-5-13 13:11
预览 CF62求助材质性能 spring1986610 2010-5-13 02042 spring1986610 2010-5-13 11:46
预览 钢产品具体牌号.doc 钢与钢材的分类.doc attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-11 21652 feddo 2010-5-12 09:57
预览 KPD与KDP分别是什么? 创智208 2010-5-11 01498 创智208 2010-5-11 23:11
预览 SAE-UNS.doc attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-11 01530 jingxinjie 2010-5-11 16:15
预览 GB-T8731-1988易切削结构钢 技术 ... attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-11 01807 jingxinjie 2010-5-11 16:10
预览 Austria steel standard.pdf attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-11 01598 jingxinjie 2010-5-11 15:56
预览 部分常用型钢知识.doc attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-11 11639 money 2010-5-11 15:25
预览 求助:国外材料EQ56 yst00 2010-5-11 01781 yst00 2010-5-11 15:01
预览 钢与钢材的分类.doc attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-11 01540 jingxinjie 2010-5-11 12:25
预览 金属材料订购相关名词.doc attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-11 01394 jingxinjie 2010-5-11 12:18
预览 金属及其产品常见名词解释.doc attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-11 01474 jingxinjie 2010-5-11 12:14
预览 按规定最小屈服点排列的各类结构 ... attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-8 21528 yst00 2010-5-11 10:17
预览 常用金属材料七国牌号对照表1.pd ... attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-10 21653 雪子 2010-5-10 20:37
预览 alcoa_ultralloy_6020.pdf attachment jingxinjie 2010-5-10 01337 jingxinjie 2010-5-10 18:19
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