寂静天花板发表于 2015-2-9 18:18:11


安东尼继续解释“换句话说,使用CadMouse加上3Dconnexion的三维鼠标可以在以前是不可能实现的数字内容进行交互。”专用,全尺寸鼠标中键 -销毁点击滚轮数千每天时代的不适。快速缩放 -放大和缩小的模型或图纸,只需一次点击的拇指按钮。智能滚轮-应用特定的滚轮,精确的“点击-点击”放大CAD应用程序或快速滚动的浏览器和文档。先进的激光传感器 -随着8200dpi和高达1000Hz的(1毫秒响应)以投票率是非常精确的。手势/径向菜单按钮 -该CadMouse的姿态按钮会打开一个上下文敏感的屏幕上的径向菜单。移动光标向左,向右,向上或向下激活命令。最佳异型聚四氟乙烯材料 - CadMouse具有最佳形状的脚由聚四氟乙烯,具有摩擦对任何固体最低系数之一的材料制成。3Dconnexion的并没有在自己的YouTube频道的公布CadMouse的视频,但你可以看到在每个功能的细分CadMouse网页。该CadMouse的零售价定为99美元。

star啊啊发表于 2015-2-9 18:35:09


我很呆发表于 2015-2-9 19:02:10


次元碎片发表于 2015-2-9 19:23:46


fmdd发表于 2015-2-9 20:56:08

次元碎片 发表于 2015-2-9 19:23 static/image/common/back.gif


枯藤发表于 2015-2-9 23:49:33


Cavalier_Ricky发表于 2015-2-10 00:09:01



寂静天花板发表于 2015-2-13 10:09:09



寂静天花板发表于 2015-2-15 16:31:10


寂静天花板发表于 2015-6-3 14:17:38

CAD专用鼠标已经上市 测评

The CADMouse makes a great first touch a good impression. The selected materials and high-quality look, which I personally liked a lot, there is a sufficiently long, material-related cable in use. On the bottom of the mouse especially slippery conditions are attached, which can be prepared by wear and replace.
What is striking at first glance are the mouse buttons. There are 3 full mouse buttons and a scroll wheel on the mouse. The center button works like the button beneath the scroll wheel, however, is to better serve and targeted applications. In addition, you zoom not unintentionally, such as when you press the mouse wheel.
The key to make a stable impression. According to the manufacturer, these 30 million clicks to hold.

Since the mouse has a full middle mouse button are now three fingers on each of button mouse. This is initially intimidating, but after a short while you get used to the feel and the middle button is operated with the middle finger. After a few days, a normal mouse felt another computer almost alien to what shows how quickly you get used to it.
By callable keystroke menus frequently used commands right at the cursor quickly to the site. That alone speeds up the work in the program used significantly. Nevertheless, the product on the support of CAD - and 3D - designed applications, it supports me in almost all of my used programs. By context-sensitive menus, each program has its own instruction set can be assigned.

The CADMouse is a great product and supports the user in many areas. The freely configurable menus to ideal!
The ergonomic design of the mouse fits my taste. However, I must say that I prefer large mice. That may not every user.

The quality of the mouse is how 3Dconnexion lived well. The price of 100 Euro will only times high. Who but periodically updates Input Devices needs, because the old ones are worn out, are certainly not less. In addition, the built-in technology (sensor, buttons ...) of very good quality and keeps up with current gaming mice!
From my perspective, the CADMouse is a good complement to existing input devices and a significant help in their daily work. I would not want to miss in my daily work!

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