A Tee extractor is used to make branching connections on installed soft copper, hard copper, and aluminum pipe. This can be faster and easier than cutting the pipe to install a T-fitting, especially in hard to reach areas.
To make a Tee in an existing pipe, drill a hole in the pipe with the supplied self-centering bit. Insert the correct-sized extractor into the hole and twist the bell until it makes firm contact with the pipe. Turn the extractor to the left with the supplied ratchet to make the flare, and use the cam pincer make a ridge on the mating pipe to set the correct insert depth. Finally, mate the pipes and solder.
The set comes with 1/2″, 5/8″, 7/8″, and 1-1/8″ extractors, self-centering drill bit, cam pincer, and ratchet all in a handy steel carrying case. You’ll pay somewhere in the neighborhood of $700 for this set.
钻孔,孔大小与翻边高度和翻边后的孔有关系,把旋转头通过钻的底孔放入,再装旋上内外套,转动扳手使旋转头是往外的方向...。 http://www.fdrill.com/content.asp?id=55
楼主可以参考这个页面——热熔钻的各种应用。 八楼正解 学习了 学习了 LZ找的专用工具图片看不到,但据我了解像你这种薄壁等径三通管用热熔钻工艺应该是达不到,而且要理解热熔钻的使用场合,热熔钻一般是为了解决管类型材壁上攻螺纹增加螺牙数加强螺纹连接强度用的。是否可以考虑模具?胀型、悬臂翻边都是挺常见的。
.____﹏Mr 发表于 2015-1-27 15:07 static/image/common/back.gif
LZ找的专用工具图片看不到,但据我了解像你这种薄壁等径三通管用热熔钻工艺应该是达不到,而且要理解热熔钻 ...
这个模具可以翻管径稍微大一点,靠近管口的的侧孔。 小弟我好像在一个叫how it made的国外科普节目上看过,像是胀型法但是又好像不是。我去看看,嘻嘻 冲床加液压