天水蓝 发表于 2013-1-14 11:55:18

有一套 叫循序渐进美国英语, 我觉得那套书 不错,可以根据自己实际情况选择难度。文章很轻松,对提高语感有好处。

刀剪锤 发表于 2013-1-15 14:12:05


宋木林 发表于 2013-1-31 21:30:10


路很长一起走 发表于 2013-2-1 20:36:46

佩服啊   我正在学啊

mosion@126.com 发表于 2013-5-15 14:40:09


猛龙C 发表于 2014-6-7 23:24:54


andyany 发表于 2014-6-8 07:38:51

Lz had a great spirit which between lines.

zuoer988 发表于 2014-6-9 21:54:53

1 i can not afford anything cost much 改为 i can not afford to buy anything cost much。cuz afford means having the fanancial to do something or to buy something.
2.by the end of the last December. by the end 是固定搭配 。

3.i got the problem again.用 get 或者 have 都行。
4.by the end of the last December , i got the problem again ,but i am not such someone being afraid of figuring out a crazy idea.没太看懂这句您想表达什么。
第一段大概就这些小细节 ,您写得很不错 对于初学者来说,孰能生巧加油,另外 在英翻界有句话 就是十句汉译英才能出来一句英译汉 也就是多精读 多翻译 才能纠正中式思维。一点小建议,共勉。

Burberry 发表于 2014-6-11 13:57:33


Burberry 发表于 2014-6-11 14:03:24

After viewed ur article i found that you're really a happy guy who is lucky to travel there in baoji. Just be noted that there are plenty of typos in ur article. Anyway it's a good one which leave us an amazing impression ofBaoji.
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