请问哪位知道钢铁氧化有关表面处理技术,请多多指教。谢谢 楼主说的范围太大了能否把你最急需的说一下 QPQ盐浴氮化方面的内容 Quench polish quench (QPQ) is a specialized type of nitrocarburizing case hardening that increases corrosion resistance, originally developed by the Kolene Company. The name refers to the three steps involved: nitrocarburizing, polishing, and post-oxidizing.This process is usually used when two or more of the following properties are required in a workpiece: wear resistance, corrosion resistance, lubricity, or fatigue strength. However, it is also used when superior corrosion resistance is required. Common applications are piston rods for shock absorbers, cylinders and rods for hydraulic systems, pumps, axles, spindles, and valves.
看过上述,可知道 QPQ 是quench polish and quench 的缩写。具体工艺是碳氮共渗,抛光和后处理三步;主要目的是提高耐磨性,增强防腐能力,提高润滑性和抗疲劳能力等。